The Relevance Of Packaging And Branding On Marketing Productivity Of Locally Made Products – Complete project material


This study sought to determine the effects of packaging and branding on marketing productivity of Local made products with kingmos paints Ltd, Uyo take as the   focal point of study. A descriptive research was conducted and a judgmental sampling technique was used to select   thirty (30)  staff of the company. However, only twenty-six (26) responded to the questionnaire Research question were asked to guide the study. The instrument   for the study was the questionnaire.  Data collected were analyzed by used of descriptive statistics- frequencies and simple percentages. The finding of the study revealed that the firm under   study adopted the manufacture brand name for its products that it branded its product to serve as basis for advertising  furthermore; it  revealed that  effective package prevents chemical change of the  product. It was also revealed that packaging and branding has the selects of sales increase and increasing profits.  The paper provided recommendations that companies need to have good brand name for their products by employing brands managers, and that packaging technologists should be engaged in making packaging decisions. Also, it was recommended that more funds and time should be devoted by firms for packaging and branding.

This study intends to find out the effects of packaging and branding  on marketing productivity of locally made product with kingmos paint Lid. Being out  local point study.
It is generally known by marketers that the nature of a  product affect consumers behavior toward it.  A  product that is not well packaged and branded is not usually purchased by  consumes. In this many firms pay little attention to the areas of packaging and branding of their products. Most products are poorly packaged and  as ad result of this, they record low sales volumes, which may not even lead to break- even point on the  part of the producing firms. Hence, losses may occur.
Further more, the kind of brand names used for a product by a market also has to be one that can overshadow those of competitors producing the same product. However, marketers do not take much time to make good branding decision. As a result of this, thee product is not well communicated to the target  market hence low sales results.
Could it be that such firms or marketers do not have adequate capital to embark upon good packaging for their products?

       The objectives of this study are the following:
1.    To examine the scope of packaging and branding of product. 2.  To fine out reasons why firm package and brand their      products.
3.    To find out the effects of packaging and branding on firm’s        marketing productivity.
4.    To identify the factors that has contributed to packaging growing use as a marketing  tool.

5.    To find out the relationship existing between branding of products and the creation of corporation images.

Firstly, the study will be useful to manufactures in knowing that good packaging and branding lead to both high sales volume and creates good corporate images and identifies through  repeated buys by consumers.
Secondly, it will be useful to consumers in knowing that they have the right to well package and branded products so as to be selective in buying quality products.
Thirdly, it pinpoints the various brand name decisions that will be useful to various categories of manufactures.
Fourthly, the study will contribute to the existing wealth of knowledge in the areas of product packaging and branding.
Finally, it will help to provide valid information for future researchers eon the topic.

For the purpose of this study, the following research question  are being asked:

  1. What type of brand name strategy dose peacock paint Ltd adopt  for its products?
  2. What is the major reason for the firm’s branding of its products?
  3. why  does the firm package its products in his  present day ?
  4. what effect dose packaging and branding have on the marketing productivity of the firm’s products?
  5. What problem’s are encounter by the firm [in making branding and packaging decision for its products?



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