The Impact Of Branding On Consumer’s Behaviour (A Case Study Of Diamond Bank Plc.) – Complete project material

The Impact Of Branding On Consumer’S Behaviour (A Case Study Of Diamond Bank Plc.)

Chapter one of The Impact Of Branding On Consumer’S Behaviour

The growing need to maintain a competitive edge and customer loyalty in the industry segment predetermine the significance to maintain unique and outstanding brand of services and product that commands consumer satisfaction and loyalty. The research seeks to investigate how Diamond Bank branding impacts on customers’ behavior.
Diamond Bank Plc began as a private limited liability company in March, 21, 1991. (The Bank was incorporated in December 20, 1990). Ten years later in February 2001, it became a Universal Bank. In January, 2005 following a highly successful private placement share offer which substantially raised the banks equity base, Diamond Bank became a public limited company. In May, 2005, the Bank was listed on the Nigerian stock exchange. Moreover, in January, 2008, Diamond Bank Global Depositary receipts (GDC) was listed on London Stock Exchange, the first bank in Africa to record that fact.
Today, Diamond Bank is one of the leading banks in Nigeria – respected for its excellent service delivery, driven by innovation and operating on the most advanced banking technology platform in the market. Diamond Bank has over the years leverage on its underlying residence to grow its assets base and to successfully retain its key business relationship. And like a diamond, the Bank’s strength make it even more valued.
In 2008, to ensure the Bank grows with the need of the customer, the Bank streamlined its operation into three district strategic business segments; retail banking, corporate banking and public sector.
Diamond Bank continues to develop and to build on its live competences, by continually cutting from the rough, the Bank have improved on services and other banking facilities.
However, like cutting from the rough gem to create a diamond of the finest quality the banks continuously builds on its brand. Hence, the nature of this research to investigate the impact of branding on customers’ behavior with a case study of Diamond Bank plc.

Research in consumer behavior shows that we have a consumer driven society  where the ultimate motive of business products and service is to satisfy consumer expectation makes them happily and remain loyal to the brand. Therefore, a perfect understanding of consumer behavior is determining.
“ a.   The psychology of the consumers and how they make decisions between  depending on their needs and brand awareness
b.     how service or products providers make to implement the best branding strategy for their product a service (e.g culture, family, signs, media).
c.     The various stages a consumer gives through before purchasing a product or service.
d.     What factors determine consumer’s loyalty or repeat purchase of the brand” is crucial in meeting customer’s satisfaction and brand loyalty. Therefore, an attempt to reach out to the consumer effectively demands a suitable banding strategy since consumer buying decision making and loyalty is affected by various branding strategies. In an industry characterized by stuff competition an effective branding strategy is significant not only to attract customers but to create customer loyalty to the brand.
Therefore, this research seeks to investigate the impact of branding on case study of Diamond Bank Plc.
1.     To determine the nature of branding and branding         strategies
2.     To determine the nature of consumer behavior
3.     to determine affective branding strategies that would      impact on consumer behavior
4.     To investigate the impact of branding on consumer        behavior
5.     To investigate the impact of branding on consumer        behavior in Diamond Bank Plc.
1.     What is branding?
2.     What is consumer behavior?
3.     What is the nature of branding strategies?
4.     What extent does branding impacts in consumer    behavior.

1.     To provide a detail analysis on the nature of consumer   behavior
2.     TO provide detail analysis in the nature of branding and         branding strategy
3.     To provide detail appraisal on the impact of branding in         consumer behavior
4.     To serve a reference point of information in branding      consumers’ behavior and of the various branding      strategies.
1.     H0       Branding is not given significant attention in Diamond Bank Plc.
H1       Branding is given significant attention in Diamond Bank Plc
2.     H0    The impact of branding on consumers’ behavior in Diamond Bank Plc is low
H1    The impact of branding on consumers’ behavior in Diamond Bank Plc is high
3.     H0    Customers’ loyalty to brand in Diamond Bank Plc is low
H1    Customers’ loyalty to brand in Diamond Bank Plc is high
The study focuses on the impact of branding on consumers’ behavior with a case study of Diamond Bank Plc.

Branding is a specific or unique idea, any image or any specific name of any product or service with which the consumers can connect very easily. Branding thus, become a process of using that unique idea,  name to make your product distinct from others. It helps to identify one’s product or services. Thus, in the minds of consumers a brand becomes a promise that promise which will fulfill the needs of the consumers. Kotler P (1999).
Consumer behavior is a branch of marketing which deals with the various stages a consumer goes through before purchasing products or services. It deals with how commercial and social information sources influence of culture, sub-cultures, social class, membership and reference groups on buying behavior. How buying decision extend beyond the individual to the family and the household, the roles of motivation, perception, learning, personality and attitudes in shaping consumer behavior and the importance of statistical factors in buying. Senguptha J. S. (2011).


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