The impact of brand image and rebranding on customers’ purchasing decision in nigerian universities (a case study of nestle). – Complete project material

The impact of brand image and rebranding on customers’ purchasing decision in nigerian universities (a case study of nestle).




In the research based study,by Gitman in 2008, brand image is defined distinctly. The image is seen as part of the process at one moment, but it is also linked with sensations at other times, and it is also understood as the information distributed by the organization at other times. Because brands compete with one another, businesses must recognize that a positive image is critical to their success. Re-branding, on the other hand, is a continuous change of the corporate brand’s positioning and representation, as well as a natural element of managing the brand in response to the ever-changing market environment (Gitman, 2008). However, when a business goes a step further and tries to alter stakeholders’ perceptions of the brand, the process is referred to as re-branding (Muzellec & Lambkin, 2008). There are two levels of re-branding, according to Muzellec & Lambkin (2008). By altering the name, logo, and slogan, revolutionary re-branding totally destroys the previous image of the company and creates a new one. Evolutionary re-branding is less dramatic, changing one or two of the three characteristics but keeping the positioning core problems.

In today’s world, businesses are increasingly concerned with individual customer behavior as it assists them in obtaining knowledge on how customers think, feel, and choose goods. Every person is a customer therefore ,the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups choose, buy, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences to fulfill wants and desires is known as consumer behavior ( Michael R.Solomon, 1998). The expanded perspective of the customer includes not only the study of why and what consumers purchase, but also how marketers influence consumers and how they utilize goods and services. Customers are in a difficult situation since they are exposed to a variety of windows of information and goods; the many choices and alternatives accessible in the market place influence their purchasing decision. Individuals’ interpretations and decisions are affected by internal consumer behavior such as perception, altitude, and motivation, as well as external variables like as family roles, peer influence, and group influence. The effect of brand image and re-branding on customers’ purchasing decisions in Nigerian universities will be investigated against this backdrop.


When customers are asked why they choose one brand of goods over another for reasons other than price, most customers will quickly respond with “Quality.” However, given the fact that customers only have what it takes to create an impartial quality difference between alternative product brands on rare instances, this response is viewed with skepticism (Michael, 2013). This group of customers are well-informed and, although their numbers are small in Nigeria. Furthermore, brand image is a significant influence on how consumers assign quality status to certain product brands. It’s mostly a fabrication of their imagination. As a result, marketers who understand how to effectively influence customer decision and therefore better place their brand in the minds of consumers will undoubtedly emerge victorious in the marketing battle (Michael, 2013). Despite the above, a number of variables continue to affect customer buying decisions, such as the fact that consumers are price sensitive, although this is not always the case, as their consumption is mostly driven by price-factors, especially in the food industry. As a result, researchers at Nigerian universities will investigate the effect of brand image and re-branding on customers’ purchasing decisions.


The primary objective of the study is as follows

  1. To examine the influence of brand image on customer purchasing decision.
  2. To find out the effect of re-branding on the purchasing choice of customer and how it affect brand owners.

iii.      To investigate the factors that influences a manufacturer to rebrand.

  1. To find out strategies manufacturers can use in rebranding their product in other for easy purchasing choice.


The following questions guide this study

  1. What is the influence of brand image on customer purchasing decision?
  2. What is the effect of re-branding on the purchasing choice of customer?

iii.      How does re-branding affect brand owners?

  1. What are the factors that influences a manufacturer to rebrand?
  2. What are the strategies manufacturers can use in rebranding their product in other for easy purchasing choice?


This study will examine the impact of brand image and re-branding on Customers’ Purchasing Decision in Nigerian Universities.

The study is also, significant to manufactures of consumables and non consumable as, it will expose them to the factors that influences a consumer in picking or choosing their product among several other products

This study will be of benefit to the academic community as it will contribute to the existing literature on the subject of study, the study will also benefit other researchers who would like to further like to carry out research on the topic of discourse.


This study will examine the influence of brand image on customer purchasing decision. The study will also,  find out the effect of re-branding on the purchasing choice of customer and how it affect brand owners. More so, the study will investigate the factors that influences a manufacturer to rebrand. Lastly, the study will  find out strategies manufacturers can use in re-branding their product in other for easy purchasing choice. Hence the study is delimited to Nestle plc Ilupeju Lagos state.


This study was constrained by a number of factors which are as follows:

Just like any other research, ranging from unavailability of needed accurate materials on the topic under study, inability to get data

Financial constraint , was faced by  the researcher ,in getting relevant materials  and  in printing and collation of questionnaires

Time factor: time factor pose another constraint since having to shuttle between writing of the research and also engaging in other academic work making it uneasy for the researcher


Brand image: the general impression of a product held by real or potential consumers.

Re-branding:   the process of changing the corporate image of an organization.

Customer purchasing decision: the thought process that leads a consumer from identifying a need, generating options, and choosing a specific product


Gitman, Laurence J;Mc Daniel,C. (2008). The future of business: The essentials.

Muzellec, L. and Lambkin, M., (2008).Corporate rebranding and the implications for brand architecture management: Journal of strategic marketing 16 (4), 283-299.

Michael R.Solomon. (2013). Consumer Behavior:Buying, having and being (10ed.). Pearson Education.


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