The Effect Of Marketing Promotion On The Efficiency Of Banks (A Study Of Zenith Bank And First Bank) – Complete project material

The Nigerian banking sector has changed tremendously since the introduction of the structural adjustment programme (SAP) on July 1996. Prior to this time, opening new bank were stringent. Banks were not only few and fair between competitor. The central bank of Nigeria (CBN) fixed minimum and maximum lending and interest rates.
Since the new existing banks were put in straight jacket, and they were not mandated by circumstances to be aggressive bank officials sent in their officers, waiting for customers to call. When they called they were subjected to long our delay And had to go through frustrating procedure. Banks never regarded those who needed their service to be wooed and kept.
In the last six years, a new spirit spring up in the world of banking affected the market behaviour in the short term and likely to make impact in the middle and long term market entry liberalization raised the number of banks. According to Arnold and Feilmen (2000), banks and non – banks finance company securing more prominent, offering so called specialized services.
The similarity of the traditional service provided by banks resulted in accumulated competition among commercial and merchant banks, the intent signification of such competition place tremendous pressure on the needs for promotional programs. Although banks, In the general were shown in embracing the marketing concept based on the fact that people needed banking services, banks did not sell their deposit, loan, and save keeping services.
Kotler (2003) seems promotion as the activities a company undertaken to communicate its products merit and to persuade potential customer to buy them. This implied that service provided by banks to be efficient, the public must become aware of such service, indeed banking has shifted from traditional sit and wait to the dynamic marketing question, marketing concept being an instrument used to ride over the tidal.
Considering the statement of the problem of banking system in our society, a study of Zenith bank and first bank. It is obvious to analyze the major problem of the banking system.
In commercial banks such as Zenith bank and first bank, one of the obvious banking promotion problem the banks might be facing is how effectively is the banks in Nigeria to achieve the goal of the bank.
The management of banks have been doing a lot of marketing promotion effectively or ineffectively, it is therefore relevant to ask whether the bank has able to foster stability growth and cordial marketing promotion relationship. If not why?
This study will examine the strength and weakness in promotion marketing practices and will assist by suggesting solution to some of their problem for the overall attainment of objective of the bank.

(1)     To determine the effect of marketing promotion on the efficiency of banks in Nigeria.
(2)     To determine the effect of marketing strategy on the efficiency of banks in Nigeria.
(3)     To examine the effect of marketing philosophy on the efficiency of banks in Nigeria.

(1)     Does marketing promotion has effect on the efficiency of banks in Nigeria?
(2)     Does marketing strategy has effect on the efficiency of banks in Nigeria?
(3)     Does marketing philosophy has influence on the efficiency of banks in Nigeria?

1.      Ho:   There is no significant relationship between marketing promotion and the efficiency of banks in Nigeria.
H1:    There is significant relationship between marketing promotion and the efficiency of banks in Nigeria.
2.      Ho:   There is no significant relationship between marketing strategy and the efficiency of banks in Nigeria
H1:    There is significant relationship between marketing strategy and the efficiency of banks in Nigeria
3.      Ho:   There is no significant relationship between promotional effort and profitability of banks in Nigeria
H1:    There is significant relationship between promotional effort and profitability of banks in Nigeria



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