Significance Of Personal Selling In The Marketing Of Detergent – Complete project material

Significance Of Personal Selling In The Marketing Of Detergent


The main objective of this project was to determine the extent to which personal selling is understood, accepted and adopted by Unilever Nigeria Plc, Benin City. In conducting this research, information were gathered from primary and secondary sources like magazines, books and journals. Personal interviews and questionnaires were also used as primary sources. The researcher observed that personal selling stimulates consumers to buy more and that personal selling also have a positive impact on the sales of Unilever product. The researcher concluded that, personal selling is very important in any manufacturing company that is interested in expanding its existing market share. It was therefore recommended that the company should allocate enough funds for the execution of personal selling programme because of its relative importance in terms of increase in sales volume and profits and that personal selling should not be regarded as an emergency tool but as integral part of the company’s marketing effort.   




Marketing generally aims at increasing profitable sales of commodities to the general public. Every business organization be it government or private owned, aims to maximize profit.

Increase in sales and profitability of firm cannot be enhanced without advertising, sales promotion, publicity and personal selling. Some of these promotional tools are suitable for both industrial and customer goods. Others are best used in marketing of only industrial goods and yet some other favour, essentially consumers items. Most detergent producing companies usually employ advertising, sales promotion and to some extent publicity and perhaps personal selling in promoting their products.

The extent to which personal selling help in marketing of detergent is yet to be ascertained.

It is in the light above that the researcher thought it wise to study the effect of personal selling in the marketing of detergent using Unilever Nigeria Plc, Benin City as a case study.


The aim of every organization is to satisfy the need and wants of their customers and make profit. However, in the recent years, Unilever Plc has been facing problem in the sales of detergent in their company with this situation one cannot but ask Unilever to embark on sales promotion and if they do, what has been the effect? It is in a bid to answer this question that this research was embarked on. So what is the effect of personal selling in the marketing of detergent?


The research is aimed at the following;

1.          To determine the effect of personal selling on the marketing of detergent.

2.          To determine the role personal selling plays in the creation of awareness on the marketing of detergent.

3.          To determine the contribution of personal selling to profitability.

4.          To know the effectiveness of personal selling in the midst of other promo tools.


Is a need to induce customer patronage as well as increase in sales volume.

It is hope that this study would reveal a lot in personal selling techniques terms of the most effective strategy to adopt by many organizations.

Statement of Hypotheses

Hypothesis One

HO:   Personal selling does not stimulate customers to buy more.

HI:    Personal selling stimulate customers to buy more.

Hypothesis Two

HO:   Personal selling has negative impact on the sales of sunlight detergent.

HI:    Personal selling has positive impact on sales of sunlight detergent.

Hypothesis Three

HO:   Personal selling does not enhances customer loyalty.

HI:    Personals selling enhances customer loyalty.

Hypothesis Four

HO:   High cost of personal selling does not hinder its implementation.

HI:    High cost of personal selling hinder its implementation on marketing detergent.


This study will help acquaint the research with the vital works aspects of the marketing programmed generally and personal selling techniques in particular. Furthermore the research will expose the likely effects personal selling has on the marketing of detergent especially Unilever Nigeria Plc.

The study will produce a useful guide not only to salesmen in detergent industry but also to management in planning their day to day marketing activities. Finally, the research work will provide a basis for further research by interested scholars on the subject.


The essence of this research is to find out what effect personal selling has on marketing of detergent in Benin City. And the scope is narrowed to Unilever Nigeria Plc, Benin Branch. The area covered includes adoption of personal selling as a form of promotion with view of discovering the caliber of salesmen, evaluation and remuneration.


1.     Pressure: First and foremost the study has to be carried out under great pressure to meet the need of other courses. The gathering of relevant information required for this study was almost impossible as the staff of Unilever Plc, Benin City were reluctant to furnish the researcher with relevant and vital information.

2.     Time Constraint: This factor posed some constraint on the successful execution of this project, execution of this project, encroached upon by other activities such as assignment, test and preparation for my examination.

3.     Inadequate Research Materials: Obtaining related materials such as textbooks, journals and other publications from the library and other sources was somehow difficult. Related literature in the area of study was not readily available.

4.     Attitude of Respondents: Respondents attitude to the questionnaire posed serious problem as regard the amount of the information gathered from field survey.


In order to aid out understanding of the whole work, it is imperative that some term of importance are defined, such terms are;

1.     Product: A product is a set of tangible and intangible attributes, including packages colour, price and retailers which the buyer may accept as offering satisfaction of want and need.

2.     Personal Selling: It refers to the use of speech and personal conviction (face-to-face) to bring about some actions on the part of another.

3.     Marketing: These are series of activities directed at satisfying want and need through exchange process.

4.     Selling: Is a combination of activities which brings pressure to bear on potential customers and including personal selling, advertising, packaging etc.

5.     Effect: This refers to the change produced by an action or cause.

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