Theatre As A Tool For Communicating Hand Washing Among Primary School Pupils – complete project material

Theatre As A Tool For Communicating Hand Washing Among Primary School Pupils


This research work examines theatre as a tool for communicating hand washing among primary school pupils in an attempt to assessing the importance of Theatre to children and how it serves as a platform for learning and not just for entertainment. Further it goes to show also that (Theatre) serves as a place for connection of attitude and behaviours, this attest to the fact that it teaches good morals to children both in comic and serious issues. Different theatre activities were used ranging from games and exercises, songs and dances, story-telling, role play and hand washing exercises. The pupils were the stakeholders in the practical field work, with the researcher as the facilitator using all these activities as tools of analysis and the research methodology

chapter one of Theatre As A Tool For Communicating Hand Washing Among Primary School Pupils

Theatre is not just another genre, it is one amongst many. It is the only genre in which today and every day, now and always; living human beings address and speak to other human beings. Because of that; theatre is more than just a performance of stories and tales, it is a place for human encounter, a space for authentic human existence. It can also be seen as a building where a live performance takes place such as a play or dance or a place where people gather to watch performances for relaxation. Theatre can be seen as a variety of art forms showcased in and outside the building and is seen as activities that man engages in. It is a conscious activity of man sometimes used to relate to specific activities of man with certain features of performance and worship. Theatre is used to denote specific conscious activities (design activities). It is an art which encapsulate varieties of art form which entertains, communicate, educate and enlightens. It shows the relationship between humans and the society, man tries to penetrate the deep mystery of life and consciously develops theatre in order to correct what is wrong, which makes man a gregarious animal. The word theatre is also originally Greek, where the term is used to mean a seeing place. The theatre is therefore a place where we go to watch and participate in a kind of Fantasy-life or imaginary life or world of elusion or world of make believe. In other words, it is a place where we go to eave-drop into the life of other people. Theatre is also used to refer to events such as play performances which are organized for the viewing delight of the audience, as well as its use to refer to ritual, ceremonies and festivals. The purpose of which may be or not be the delight of anybody or audience.



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