of the study

 Inventories constitute the most significant part of
current events of a large majority of companies in Nigeria and indeed many
other part of the world. Because of the large size of inventories maintained by
firms, a considerable amount of fund is required to be committed to them.
Therefore, the efficient and effective management of inventories becomes
imperative in order to achieve unnecessary turnover or to minimize the cost
associated with keeping inventories. The neglect of inventory management and
control by a firm will amount to jeopardizing its long run profitability and
may even cause the firm to fail ultimately. Inventory is defined as the stock
of any item or material used in an organization. Therefore, an inventory
management is the set of policies and control that monitor levels of inventory
and determines the following:-

i.      What level should be

ii.     When stock should be

iii.    How large order should be

However, inventory can include input such as human
resources, financial, equipment e.t.c and output such as parts or component. It
is possible for a company to reduce its level of inventories to a considerable
degree without any adverse effect on production and sales by using inventory
planning and control techniques. The reduction in excessive inventory carries a
favorable impact on company profitability (Pandey 1999) in doing this however,
care should be taken to avoid under stocking which directly affect production
causing stoppage, loss of sales, loss of good will. etc. Inventory forms a link
between production and sales of a product. A manufacturing company must
maintain a certain level of inventory in the form of raw materials, work in
progress and finished goods. Raw materials inventory gives the firm flexibility
in its purchase, without it, a manufacturing company must exist on a hand-to-
mouth basis buying raw materials in keeping with its production schedule.
Work-in- progress are items of stock that are subjected to further processing
to produced the finished product. Finished goods inventory allows the firm
flexibility in its production scheduling and in its marketing thus there is on
incentive to maintain large stocks of all three types of inventory. In an
inflationary environment like Nigeria, there is the need to adopt a realistic
inventory valuation method in order to give correct value of inventory in the
profit and loss account and in the balance sheet which would have otherwise
show an appropriate financial position of the organization and thus negating
the purpose of accounting which is the provision of accurate financial
information to investors, shareholders, management, government and her agencies
and other related interested parties in order to assist them in taking decision
about the organization. It is in view of this that the need arises for an
appropriate management and control measure to maintain the most accurate level
of stock that will assist management of the organization carryout business in
such a way that it does not portray the organization in bad shape.


The wide distance between the source of raw material and
factories in Nigeria today has posed a great problem to management. Thus the
management may not predict with certainty to delivery date of materials. How
then does the management ensure that there is no hitch and delay in the supply
of raw material to satisfy their day to day requirements without necessarily
keeping excessive stock of raw materials and finished goods which represent
investment from which no return is expected immediately? In line with this, the
major problem face by management is the determination of what stock to be kept,
when to reorder, of what cost to reorder, what the production level should be,
how work in process and stages involved should be controlled, movement of
finish goods from point of production into the market. The disadvantages
associated with huge investment in inventory (tying down of capital, increase
in holding/carrying cost etc) act as a detriment in management in committing
huge sum of funds in inventory. Conversely making little investment will be
disastrous as it will lead to frequent stock out and consequent disruption of
production system and incurring additional cost resulting from frequent
ordering. Since no company especially a
manufacturing company can operate without keeping stock, it is necessary to
check the occurrence of pilferage depletion, damages, breakages, obsolescence
etc. among other things.


The primary objective of this research work is to consider
inventory control system as described and discussed by different authors. This
will be taken as a standard against which the inventory system of the company
under study will be appraised to determine its efficiency and suitability in
the peculiar environment it operates.

The objectives of this study include:  

1.          To
determine an optimum level of inventory to be maintain by the company under

2.          To
assess and highlight the different methods of inventory planning, control and
valuation and the most appropriate one for a manufacturing company.

3.          To
highlight the need for and nature of inventory.

4.          To
make viable recommendations on the basis of the outcome of the research.


the successful completion of the study, the following research hypotheses were
formulated by the researcher; 

H0: there
is no level of control to be maintain on various
types of stock

H1: there
is level of control to be maintain on various
types of stock

H02: there
are no different methods of inventory planning, control and valuation and the
most appropriate one for a manufacturing company

H2: there
are different methods of inventory planning, control and valuation and the most
appropriate one for a manufacturing company


The significance of a proper and efficient inventory
control and management cannot be over emphasized. Its effect is not only on the
individual company but on the economy as a whole.

This study is meant to find solutions to the itching
problems of Tower Galvanized Products (TGP) Nigeria limited Kaduna in inventory
management and control. The study will also be of immense benefit to the owners
and management of the company under study, their creditors and prospective
shareholders who might wish to invest in the company. This is so because
managing inventories efficiently and effectively will help the company to avoid
unnecessary investment. It helps the management in quick and accurate decision
making. It will also help to build-up the goodwill of the current asset of many
companies. Finally, the knowledge required from this study will broaden the
existing knowledge in this field and aid researcher in applying it to other
companies or organizations.



This research work is focused on inventory
management and control in Tower Galvanize Product (TGP) Nigeria limited, Kaduna
during the year 2001-2006 as it affects the full implementation of the basic
concepts of inventory management. Associated issues like inventory
procurements, storage and physical distribution policy of the company will also
be examined. The researcher encounters some constrain which limited the scope of
the study;


The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby
limiting the study

b) TIME: The time frame allocated to the study does not
enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic
activities and examinations with the study.

c) Organizational privacy:
Limited Access to the selected auditing firm makes it difficult to get all the
necessary and required information concerning the activities.


–       Inventory: This is
the list of items held in stock by a company at any particular time.

–       Stock: This
consists of all goods and materials stored by an organization. It is a supply
of items which are kept for future used.

NB for the purpose of this research work, stock and
inventory are sometimes used interchangeably

–       Lead time: This is
also known as reorder period or delivery. It is the period of time between
ordering and reception of goods ordered for.

–       Re-order level: This
is the point at which it is necessary to initiate purchase requisition for new
supply of materials.

–       Minimum stock level: This
is the level below which stocks should not normally be allowed to fall. It can
be said to be buffer or safety stock which makes allowances to cover for error
in forecasting the lead time or the demand during the lead time.

–       Maximum stock level: This
is the level above which stock should not normally be allowed to rise.


research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows

Chapter one is
concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study),
historical background, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research
hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study,
definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two
highlights the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the
review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and
methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data
collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and
recommendations made of the study

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