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Tag: msc maths project topics in numerical analysis

A Study Of Multiset Ordering For Constructing Alternative P Systems And Their Applications – Complete project material

ABSTRACT In this thesis, basic ingredients of partially ordered multisets were employed in which some of its formalisms were further developed and a set of rules formulated which explicitly characterize the chemical and physical functions,…

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A Study Of Libration Points In The Photogravitational Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem With Asphericity And Potential From A Belt – Complete project material

ABSTRACT This research has investigated an improved version of the classic restricted three-bodyproblem where both primaries are considered as non-spheroids as well as sources ofradiation, and are enclosed by a belt of homogeneous cluster of…

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A Study Of Fuzzy Compatibility Relations And Their Applications – Complete project material

ABSTRACT   In this dissertation, various concepts for comparing fuzzy objects such as similarity, dissimilarity, symmetric similarity, relative similarity, multi-dimensional, and multi-attributes were studied. Some existing models such as Jaccard, Simple Matching Co-efficient, Vector, and…

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A Study Of Compatibility Relation And Its Application To Switched Networks – Complete project material

ABSTRACT   In this thesis, we have studied the concept of compatibility relation and construction of an algorithmfor determining maximal compatibility classes. We have identified some new characteristicproperties of compatibility classes and constructed an alternative…

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Bifurcation Analysis Of A Mathematical Model For Malaria Transmission Under Treatment And Control – Complete project material

ABSTRACT Mathematical model for malaria transmission was formulated using ordinary differential equation. The equations were modeled compartmentally. Basic reproduction number was calculated using the spectral radius of the new generation matrix. The disease free equilibrium…

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Bayesian Estimation Of The Shape Parameter Of Odd Generalized Exponential-Exponential Distribution – Complete project material

ABSTRACT The Odd Generalized Exponential-Exponential Distribution (OGEED) could be used in various fields to model variables whose chances of success or survival decreases with time. It was also discovered that the OGEED has higher positive…

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Assessment Of Collective Bargaining And Industrial Conflict Management In Nigerian Universities: A Study Of Federaluniversity Of Technology, (Fut) Minna – Complete project material

ABSTRACT This study evaluates the impact of Crude Oil Price (COP) on the Exchange Rate (EXCHR), External Reserves (EXRS), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation Rate (INFL), International Trade (INTR) and Money Supply (MSUP) in Nigeria…

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Architectural Pattern For Scheduling Multi-Component Applications In Distributed Systems – Complete project material

ABSTRACT Scheduling in distributed systems generally aims to leverage the power of diverse heterogeneous, geographically distributed, multiple-domain-spanning computational resource to provide optimal system performance, high throughput computing and maximum resource utilization. To achieve this goal,…

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Application Of Portfolio Optimization: A Statistical Approach – Complete project material

ABSTRACT   The main objective of this thesis is to look at how the Markowitz Mean-Variance assets selection model performs with distribution free model, Gini-Mean Difference model and highlight statistical approach to portfolio optimization in…

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Approximate Analytical Solution Of Natural Convection Flow With Viscous Dissipation And Variable Viscosity Effects – Complete project material

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page Fly Leaf i Tittle Page iiDeclaration ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. iCertification ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… iiDedication ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. iiiAcknowledgement ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. ivAbstract ……………………………………………………………………………. Error! Bookmark not defined.Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… vList of Figures ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… viiiList of Tables ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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