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Assessment of Factors Influencing Food Consumption Diversity Among Farming Households in Izzi Lga of Ebonyi State, Nigeria – Complete project material

Assessment of Factors Influencing Food Consumption Diversity Among Farming Households in Izzi Lga of Ebonyi State, Nigeria ABSTRACT The study was conducted has the main objective of identifying the major factors influencing food consumption diversity…

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The Effect Of Management On Human Development – Complete project material

CHAPTER ONE 1.0              INTRODUCTION Nourishing meals are not found only in the expensive imported tinned food as many people think. There are a number of locally grown food stuff which easily meet the body’s nutritional needs.…

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Awareness Of Good Nutrition During Pregnancy Among Women Of Child Bearing Age – Complete project material

ABSTRACT This research work was designed to examine the awareness of good nutrition during pregnancy among women of child bearing age. Six (6) research questions were formulated and questionnaires were administered to one hundred (100)…

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The Impact Of Nutrition Education On The Dietary Habits – Complete project material

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to explore the impact of nutrition education on the dietary habits of female secondary school students, sixty adolescent girls in the age group of 12-18 years were selected…

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Economic Assessment Of Some Methods Adotped In Yoghurt Production – Complete project material

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE:    INTRODUCTION 1.1     Background of the Study 1.2     Aim and Objectives of the Study 1.3       Significance of the Study 1.4       Statements of the Problem 1.5       Limitations of the Study CHAPTER TWO…

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The Effect Of Food Packaging Material On The Environment – Complete project material

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE:     INTRODUCTION 1.1       Food packaging definition 1.2       History of food packaging 1.3       Reasons or purpose of food packaging 1.4       Types of food packaging 1.5       Functions of food packaging 1.6       Role of…

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Isolation And Performance Evaluation Of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae From On Palm Wine (Elaels Guinneensis) At Different Temperature Of Proofing During Bread – Complete project material

ABSTRACT Saccharomyces cerevisiae was isolated from the fermenting sap of flaeis guinneensis. The yeast isolate was used in dough proofing at different temperatures. The samples B, C, D, E, and F, (containing the same ingredients)…

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Additives And Preservatives Used In Food Processing And Preservation, And Their Health Implication – Complete project material

TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE 1.0              Introduction CHAPTER TWO:    LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0              What are Food Additives and Preservatives 2.1       classifications of food additives and preservatives 2.2              important of food additives and preservatives 2.3              Additives, preservatives and their uses 2.4              Why…

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Production Of Mixed Fruit Using Fuse Locally Soured Citrus Fruits Orange (Citrus Silences) Tangerine Citrus Reticulate) Lemon C Groups (Citrus Paradox). – Complete project material

            Fix locally sourced citrus fruit (orange citrus sinners) tangerine (citrus reticulate) lemon citrus lemoni) (Lime (citrus aurantifolis) and Grape (citrus paradist) were mixed together to produce mixed fruit drink. Different ratios of orange, tangerine…

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“Margarine” Production Using Oil Blends From Palm Kernel, Coconut And Melon – Complete project material

ABSTRACT Palm kernel, coconut and melon oils were extracted and refined. Their physical and chemical characteristics were examined. The refined oils were blended to produce three samples of margarine: palm kernel oil margarine (PKO), palm…

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