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Tag: fine art project topics

Development Of Sculpture With Organic Forms: An Exploration With Calabash For The Exterior Space – Complete project material

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page i.Certification ii.Approval Page iii.Acknowledgement iv.Dedication v.Preface vi.Table of Content vii.CHAPTER ONE (Introduction)1.1 Background of the Study 11.2 Statement of the Problem 51.3 Objectives of the Study 61.4 Limitation 61.5 Significance…

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Evaluation Of Portfolio Assessment In Selected Courses Of The Faculty Of Environmental Design, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria – Complete project material

ABSTRACT   The study surveyed the level of the use of Portfolios as a method of assessment in Selected Courses of the Faculty of Environmental Design, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The study investigated the types…

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Evaluation Of Undergraduate Sculpture Curriculum In Selected Nigerian Universities – Complete project material

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the undergraduate sculpture curricula in Nigerian Universities to see whether they were working in consonance with the National Universities Commission’s (NUC) Minimum Academic Standard (MAS). The…

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Exploration Of Snake Motifs In Painting – Complete project material

ABSTRACT This project is an experimental research which seeks to create a body of paintings by exploring the surface quality of lives and forms apparent on eight snake patterns. The designs and patterns on the…

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Exploring The Aesthetic Qualities Of Textures In Painting From Selected Tree Barks – Complete project material

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page iDeclaration iiCertification iiiDedication ivAcknowedgedment vAbstract viTable of contents viiiList of reviewed plates xList of Figure xiList of Plates xiiCHAPTER ONE1.1 Introduction 11.2 Background of study 21.3 Statement of the study…

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Harnessing Flowers For Sculptural Possibilities – Complete project material

ABSTRACT Africa has been portrayed by many scholars as a culture with an insignificant representation offlowers; the proof is in the non representation of flowers in the visual art domain. The researchexamines the ‘floral gap’…

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Historical-Analysis-Of-Academic-Programme-Of-Department-Of-Fine-And-Applied-Arts-In-Umar-Suleiman-College-Of-Education-Gashua-Inception – Complete project material

Download this complete Project material titled; Historical-Analysis-Of-Academic-Programme-Of-Department-Of-Fine-And-Applied-Arts-In-Umar-Suleiman-College-Of-Education-Gashua-Inception with abstract, chapters 1-5, references, and questionnaire. Preview Abstract or chapter one below Format: PDF and MS Word (DOC) pages = 65 The post Historical-Analysis-Of-Academic-Programme-Of-Department-Of-Fine-And-Applied-Arts-In-Umar-Suleiman-College-Of-Education-Gashua-Inception appeared first on Edustore. Purchase…

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Implementation Problems Of Secondary School Arts Curriculum In Fine Arts, In Benue State, Nigeria – Complete project material

ABSTRACT Fine Art is one of the core subjects in the Secondary School System in Nigeria. And theeducational goals realizable from art learning cannot be overemphasized. In-spite of itsarticulate documentation as enshrined in the National…

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Nature And Nurture Interaction In Artistic Development And Appreciation Among Arts Students Of Universities In South East, Nigeria – Complete project material

ABSTRACT Nature and nurture are believed to be on constant interaction in the formation of personality. This appears to be the same with the development of artistic talent and skills. The process of developing artistic…

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Nigerian Curatorship And The Exhibition Of Contemporary African Art Works – Complete project material

ABSTRACT The work of this thesis contributes to debates about cultural representation as itrelates to the exhibition of contemporary African art works. The central themes ofenquiry are the qualification and quality of Nigerian curatorship, and…

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