Sustainable Consumption. – Complete project material

Sustainable Consumption And The Law


The law introduces a Policy for Education on Sustainable Consumption in order to “encourage adoption of consumer practices and production techniques that are ecologically sustainable” (Art 1).

The law defines “sustainable consumption” as “use of natural resources in order to provide quality of life for the present generation without compromising the needs of future generations” (Art 1.1) and it includes among its nine key objectives the”promotion of reduction in consumption of water, energy and other renewable and non-renewable natural resources at the household level and from production, commerce and services” (Art 2.II).

Other objectives include: promoting re-use of and recycling of packaging and products to reduce solid waste and hazardous waste (Art 2.III-IV); encouraging companies to incorporate social, cultural and environmental dimensions in their production and management processes and better management of the whole life cycle of products (Art 2.V-VI); and ensuring the right to information and promotion of environmental labeling and certification (Art 2.VIII).

To achieve these objectives, federal, state and municipal governments are called on to carry out public awareness and media campaigns and train teachers on including sustainable consumption in their curriculum for primary and secondary education (Art 3.I-II).


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