Subject Combination/Choices And Occupational Relevance – Complete project material


One of the developmental tasks of any individual is the preparation for a career. The study was aimed at investigating the relevance of subject selection of school going adolescents in relation to their career aspiration. It was aimed at examining the influence of age and sex on career choice. One of the hypotheses raised was that there will be no significant difference between career choice and subject selection among the students. Subjects for the study consisted of 515 male and female Senior Secondary 2 students drawn from ten mixed students with ages ranging from 16-21 years. Data were collected through the use of a questionnaire styled Motivation for Career Choice Scale (MCCS).The data were analyzed descriptively using tables and percentages and by statistical method using the Chi-square. The study revealed, among other things that: a) Students were left in the dark as to the type of subject they were to offer if they want to pursue certain career, b) There was no difference between the choices of both male and female students. Based on the finding of the study, the researcher made some recommendations with great implications for both practice and further research.


In any contemporary society, the heart of the long process of preparing young people for life and work is centered in the educational system (Gesinde (1977)). But it has been observed that in Nigeria generally parental influence and vicarious experiences within one’s community in general contributes much to this preparatory process. Though the traditional Nigerian society had the problem of building the youth up, yet most adolescents just pick career based on mere likeness for such jobs simply because it entails the wearing of a uniform or otherwise or may be because their parents or a significant other in their lives are involved in such career.

They forget the fact that such jobs might have some basic subject requirement. It has been noted with sadness that most secondary school graduates do come up with the problem of course selection in higher institutions owing to lack of guidance in the selection of subjects at the secondary level. When students have faulty selection, there will be the problem of subject selection for jobs. This category of students ends up doing the jobs that are not in the least related to their interest or aptitude.


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