Satellite Television Programme Preference Among Residents of Jos South – Complete project material

Satellite Television Programme Preference Among Residents of Jos South


This study was on Satellite television programme preference among residents of Jos south. Four objectives were raised which included: To assess the influence of satellite television on the residents of Jos South, to find out the impact of satellite Television programs on the residents of Jos South, to find out why residents of Jos South prefer Satellite Television programmes to local Television programmes and to determine whether viewers in Jos South tend to watch more satellite TV than local TV stations. In line with these objectives, four research question were formulated and answered. The total population for the study is 200 selected residents in Jos South. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made up students, civil servants, business owners and youths were used for the study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies.


Chapter one


1.1Background of the study

With the shrinking of the world into a global village through the increasing sophistication of communication technologies, the local media in a nation is brought under fierce competition for local audience by the global media. What broadcasting does today is to facilitate the process of globalization “a process that makes the world one massive whole that is naturally heterogeneous but with homogenous pretences brought about by the media, information and communication technologies, and mutually understanding people” (Nwabueze, 2005, p. 7). When globalization narrows the space between people across the world, audiences in a nation are faced with the choice of exposing themselves to contents of local or international media. The local audiences especially in developing nations are transformed into a global audience who find it difficult to leave the production quality and variety of programme content presented by satellite television channels and watch local channels.


Mboho and Nwabueze (2008) wrute that despite the perceived dependence on international broadcasting by the local audience, the local stations remain important and indispensable in meeting some of the information needs in any given society. Research findings show that people who watch satellite television stations depend on local stations for knowledge of what is happening in their local environment (Okoye, 2004; Nwabueze, 2010). This further buttresses the undying relevance of local media in the face of numerous satellite television channels battling for audience attention. The world has been reduced into a global village as a result of the emergence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Satellite Televisions is one of such technologies. It is a modern digital technology that makes us of computers to send vast amount of digital information to all parts of the globe. Satellite television as a new distributing medium emerged as a result of digital technology and the internet which has triggered a revolution in the way information is stored and transmitted which has permanently changed the media environment. Thus, the traditional mass communication media (television and radio) are struggling to cope with this drastic development.


Today, communication changes are moving faster than ever before for the mass media industries, this means increase cost, to replace old equipment, for consumers, this means a confusing array of products.

According to Bagi (2007), Thus satellite signal is compressed in order to allow a greater number of channels to be transmitted to and from an orbiting satellite. To prevent people from receiving the signals without a subscription. The signals are encrypted (scrambled so that only those with a proper decoder can view them). The satellite receiver decrypts the signal and distributes them to one or more TV sets. Dominick (2009).

The multiple channels transmitted by satellite television are mostly foreign programmes produced by the rich industrialized (developed) countries of the West and transmitted to the developing countries of South America Africa and Asia. Making these countries to become dependent. Perhaps Nigeria as a developing country has also depended on such foreign programs and of course has been importing both hard and soft ware products containing such programs; this has great consequences. Nigeria is now experiencing cultural invasion, foreign culture has eroded the culture of the people and the effect is seen in the way we dress, talk and eat amongst because the entire hardware involved with TV, has to be imported. Kunczik M. (1993:227).

It is no account of this that this study is undertaken to assess satellite television programme preference among residents of Jos South

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Technologically advanced nations which initiate and bean satellite broadcast channels to the world basically their own version or perception of the world to an international audience. Dominick (2002, p. 462) observed that the United State of America “dominates the international TV programmes market”. Kotler and Armstrong (2004) wrote that some critics that argue that globalization means Americanization because the more people around the world are exposed to American culture and lifestyle in the food they eat, the stores they shop, and television shows and movies they watch, the more they will their individual identities. This buttresses the one-way flow of satellite broadcast messages from the developed to the developing nations of the world. Furthermore, from the postulations above, it does appear that too much exposure to foreign programmes as aired by foreign satellite TV stations could adversely affect audience cultural identity. But could it be said that Nigerians are exposed to more satellite TV than local TV? There is still scarcity of empirical data on the level of exposure of Nigerians to foreign satellite television channels, especially in relation to their consumption of local media content.

The transmission of foreign programs by satellite television is having a lot of influence on the political, social and cultural institutions in Nigeria. The youth in this case are mostly affected since they more likely to copy western norms and value which they perceived to be more preferable to the indigenous culture. Therefore, there is the fear of propaganda and transmission of provocative material that can increase tension domestically and internationally and the promotion of cultural imperialism. It is on this note that the research investigates the Satellite Television Channel Preference among residents of Jos South as a case study.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are;

  1. To assess the influence of satellite television on the residents of Jos South.
  2. To find out the impact of satellite Television programs on the residents of Jos South
  3. To find out why residents of Jos South prefer Satellite Television programmes to local Television programmes.

4     To determine whether viewers in Jos South tend to watch more satellite TV than local TV stations.

1.4       Research Questions

The following research question was formulated

  1. How do Satellite Television programs influence residents of Jos South?
  2. What is the impact of satellite Television programs on the residents of Jos South?
  3. Why do residents of Jos South prefer Satellite Television programs to local television programs?
  4. Do viewers in Jos South watch more satellite TV than local TV stations?


 Significance of the study

This study will be very significant to students, media and the people of Jos South. The study will give a clear insight on the satellite television programme preference among residents of Jos south. The result of the study will help general public to make preferable choice about the channel to be viewed. The study will also serve as reference to other researcher that will embark on the related topic

Scope of the study

The scope of the study covers public perception of Nigeria electronic naira (e-naira). A study of Kano metropolis. Study will be limited to residents in Jos metropolis

Limitation of the study

The researcher encounters some constraints which limit the scope of the study namely:

The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study

The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.

Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).

1.8 Definition of terms

Satellite television: Satellite television is a service that delivers television programming to viewers by relaying it from a communications satellite orbiting the Earth directly to the viewer’s location. The signals are received via an outdoor parabolic antenna commonly referred to as a satellite dish and a low-noise block downconverter.

Preference: an advantage that is given to some people or things and not to others: something that is liked or wanted more than another thing: something that is preferred.


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