The research was carried out based on the perception of farmers of the effect of climate change on farm produce.

The aim of the study was to identify various climatic factors  that
can affect farming system which include sunrise (hot temperature),
winter, equinox, rainfall, summer, coldness, wind etc and also places
where lakes, rivers ocean / sea, stream, rocks/ hills forest etc are
available .

Critically, the study revealed that rainfall and dry season are the
common features in Nigerian climate which are the natural determinant
for farm produce.

The study assessed the problems associated with climate change and how farmers can cope with such effects.

It was deduced  from the study that high temperature can be harmful
to crop produce and excessive rainfall can result  to  flooding and
washing off nutrients in soil and making it unfit for planting.

The study revealed facts that farmers are aware of  numerous factors
that  can be responsible for climate change such as changes  in
rainfall, excessive wind, high temperature and  shortage of rainfall.

The research was carried out in Lagos State Agricultural Supply Input Authority, Ojo Lagos State.

Sixty (60) respondents were selected as the sample size for the
study. The three (3) null (Ho) hypothesis formulated for the study were
all rejected and the alternate forms were accepted.

The instrument for the study was the questionnaires and it contained (30) thirty research questions.

Discussions and findings were based on the outcome of the responses.

The researcher holds confidence that if the finding and discussions
made in this study are given due  consideration and implemented, it will
go a long way to enable our  farmers to cope with climate change to
enhance farm produce.          



The theme of this research is based on the perception of farmers of
the effect of climate change on farm produce. It has been logically
argued that climate change may positively and negatively affect  the
growth of crop in agricultural system.

In some broken down analysis, climate is a sole determinant for the
success of  farm produce and its harvest as well. Emphasis are hereby
made below under some given headings.


According to Kolbert., (2006) climate encompasses the  temperatures,
humidity, atmospheric pressure, winds, rainfall, atmospheric particle
count and numerous other meteorological elements in a given region over
long periods of time, as opposed to  the term weather, which refers to
current activity of these same elements.

The climate of a location is affected by its latitude, terrain,
altitude, persistent ice or snow cover, as well as nearby oceans and
their currents.

Climates can be classified using parameters such temperature and rainfall to define specific climate types. (Seiz, 2007)     

According to Haeberli, (2008) from Montana State University, climate
change is any long term significant change in the expected patterns of
average weather of a specific region (or, more relevantly to
contemporary socio-political concerns, of the earth as a whole) over an
appropriately significant period of time.

Susanne, and Veizer (2008) revealed that climate change reflects
abnormal variations to the expected climate  within the earth’s
atmosphere and subsequent effects on other parts of the earth, such as
in the ice caps over  durations ranging from decades to million of

Reports revealed by the inter-governmental panel on climate change
(IPCC 2007) stated that  climate change in the research of a  great many
factors including the dynamic processes of the earth itself, external
forces including variation in sunlight intensity, and more recently by
human activities, which might in future be deliberate  geo-engineering.
External factors that can shape climate are often called climate forcing
and include such processes as variations in solar radiation, deviations
in the Earths orbit and the level of greenhouse gas concentrations.

There have been so many variations on carbondioxide(Co2) during the
last 50 million years. The increased carbondioxide level are thought to
exacerbate the heating effects of the greenhouse effect by reading the
re-radiation of heat from the sun and, therefore, increasing the
temperature contained in the atmosphere.

As the ability of the atmosphere to capture and recycle energy
emitted by the Earth’s surface is essential to a stable climate, this
heightened temperature may introduce a de-stabilizing influence and
potentially affect global weather patterns and eventually, long-term
climate change.

(Source: Buckley, and Wallace, 2008)

Framers efforts on yielding mass harvest and encouraging large
plantation may be seriously terminated and hampered from the perception
of climate change. Where alternative instruments are not introduced to
counteract the factors militating against favourable climate on farm
produce this may lay a set back on agricultural input and output by our

It obvioused that climate change had contributed towards initiating
basic subsistence farming system order than the mechanized farming
product for large market of farm produce. 

For example, a region where climate change had hampered the
possibility of regular actual rainfall variably, water system irrigation
can be applied to artificially supply wet contents on crop growth and
improving regular harvest.

Farmers in Nigeria today are faced with variable challenges on
climate change making the agricultural sector prone to difficulties in
enhancing crop production as a result of weak alternative facilities,
equipments and scientific instruments to improve the range of farming.

Dr Daniel (2008) from the University of Maiduguri revealed findings
that climate change plays a significant role in agriculture by setting
up limits for crop production. The main climatic elements in agriculture
are temperature, moisture, sunlight, wind and evaporation. Most
crops     are sensitive to episodes of high temperature. High
temperatures between 45oc and 55oc that occur for at least 30 minutes
directly, damage crop leaves in most environments, and lower
temperatures between 35-40oc can be damaging if they persist longer.    

Awosika, and Ajayi, (2002) opined that vulnerability of crops
to  damage by high temperatures varies with developmental stage thus,
high temperatures during reproductive development are particularly
injurious.  For example, to maize at tussling, to soybean at flowering
and to wheat at grain filling.`

Soybean in one of crops that seems to have the ability to recover from heat stress, perhaps, because it is in determinate.

Whereas as stated by Adefolau (2000) food crops like yam, cocoyam,
potatoes, cassava can get damage (burnt) due to excessive heat

Precipitation, being the primary source of soil moisture is probably
the most important factor determining the productivity of corps. While
global climate models predict an overall increase  in mean global
precipitation, their results also show the potential for
changed  hydrological regimes in most places.

Ojo (2000) a change in climate can cause changes  in total
precipitation, within season pattern, and between season variability for
crop productivity, a change in the pattern of precipitation events may
be even more important than a change in the annual precipitation. The
water regime of crops is also vulnerable to a potential rise in the
daily rate and alerted seasonal pattern of precipitation events may be
even more important than a change in the annual precipitation. The water
regime of crops is also vulnerable to a potential rise in the daily
rate and altered seasonal pattern of evapotranspiration, brought on by
warm temperature, drier air, or windier conditions.   Drought conditions
may be brought about by lower amounts of precipitation falling.

Oni (2001) opines that farm produce and yield quantity are likely to
suffer if dry periods occur during critical developmental stages. In
most grain crops, flowering, pollination and grain filling are
especially sensitive to water stress, heat stress and drought stresses
often occur simultaneously one contributing to the other.   High solar
radiance and high winds often accompany these conditions. When crops are
subjected to drought stress, their stomata close, such closure reduces
transportation and consequently, raises plant temperatures. Excessively
wet years, on the other hand, may cause farm produce declines   due to
water logging and increased pest infestation (Dr. Daniel, 2008).

Intense burst of rainfall may damage younger plants and promote water
logging of standing crops with repining grain, as well as soil erosion.
The extent of crop damage depends on the duration of precipitation and
flooding, crop developmental stage, air and soil temperatures. 


The research tends to examine the perception of farmers of the effect of climate change on farm produce.

Climate change may serve as a factor that can hinder crop yield and
as such bring to an end the agricultural  activities of farmers.

It is a problem that if farmers have no means to face and tackle the
global climate models affecting yield processes farm produce can
maximally decline due to acute change in climate. But it is believed
that this can be controlled through some adaptation options as proposed
and laid down by Dr. Adejuwon (2004) from Obafemi Awolowo University
(OAU). It has been revealed in his findings and discussions and likewise
other related scholars.

Climate change will be a bone of contention on farmers posing
barriers to actual farm produce until proper adjustment and technical
adaptation models are absorbed and utilized by our farmers.


The objectives of the research are stated below as follows.

i.             To examine the various climate change and how they affect farm produce in Nigeria.

ii.           To appraise possible adaptation options that can be utilized by farmers for responding to climate change.

iii.          To create an awareness on climate change and how it can
be controlled on farm produce by farmers to assess the factors
militating climate change and the problems faced by farmers.

iv.          To assess the factors militating climate change and the problems faced by farmers on farm produce.


The following research questions had been formulated for the research as follows:

i.             Does climate change affect farm produce in Nigeria?

ii.           Can farmers respond to climate change through possible adaptation options on farm produce?

iii.          Can climate change be controlled in farm produce by farmers through a critical awareness?

iv.          What are the factors militating climate change and the problems faced by farmers on farm produce?


The null hypotheses were formulated for the research as follows:

Ho:   Climate change has no significant effect on farm produce in agricultural system in Nigeria.

Ho: There is no significant responses to farmers to climate change through possible adaptation models.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the
factors responsible for climate change and problems encountered by
farmers on farm produce.


The study reversals the factors responsible for climate change and the effects they have on farm produce.

The research relates the basic problems encountered by farmers on farm produce through climate change.

The research reveals alternative models as adaptation options that
can be utilized and experimented by farmers in counteracting climate
change on farm produce. The study shows the interrelationship of climate
change and the problems of farmers on agricultural produce.

The study will reveal how climate change affect the various crops in
farming system and the means that can be adopted to prevent any further
damage on such crops.

The study will relate variably that climate change can pose storage
on farm produce thereby affecting the marketing system of agricultural
out put and lead to high cost per unit of produce.

Farmers, agricultural scientists, food technologists, scientists and
teachers will device possible solution from this study as a reference
materials in tackling and counteracting climate change on farm produce.

The research serves as a resource knowledge to government in taking
necessary steps towards responding to climate change and maintain
technology standard in agricultural sector in Nigeria.


The study is limited to Lagos State Agricultural Supply Input
Authority of Ojo Local District Area of Lagos State. A selection of
sixty (60) respondents will be made randomly by the researcher. These
respondents include male and female alike. They shall be used for
collecting respondence as data fro the study.

The researcher was confronted by major constraints to carry out this research and they include:

Financial problems, stress, energy wasted by the researcher. And the
long distance to be covered and also the pains in selecting and meeting
the respondence to gather useful information for the study. 


Farmer: A person who grows field crops and or manages orchards or vineyards or raises livestock or poultry.

Agriculture: refers to the production of food and goods through farming and forestry and poultry keeping.

Farm: A field, for planting crops and harvesting them and also a place meant for raising livestock.

Forestry: the science or practice of planting and taking care of tress and forest.

Climate: The regular pattern of weather conditions of a particular place.

Weather: A set of all the phenomena occurring in a given atmosphere at a given time.

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