Employee job performance is one of the crucial factors in maintaining and increasing effectiveness within a company or organization there are good numbers of ways that managers and leaders can help to improve their employee job performance. Job performance relies on several key issues being in place for each individual employee. Sadly, many employers forget the fact that their greatest resources is their employees. Improving employee performance begins by assisting and helping the employees to grow personally and professionally. If your have employees, chances are good that you want them to be happy, production and motivated employees work more efficiently and produce better results. Productive and happy employees lead to success.  Unfortunately, there’s no secret formula for motivating employees who can be as individual as the employees who work for you. Some employees may be motivated by money, while others may be motivated by personal recognition. 



Management can do its job only through motivating people to work for organizational objectives. But it is impossible to understand motivation without considering what people want and expect from their jobs. Majority of organization behaviourist believe that the most critical element in an organization is the human factor, (Joe Ona 1982).

       No matter how much organizations change and management theories develop human aspect of an organization remain central, hence the essential requirements for future managers will continue to include knowledge about people. Infact, most organizational behaviourist agreed that healthy organizations must have preparederance of good wakers. People who are highly motivated and derive a great deal of satisfaction from what they are doing. In contrast they believe that sick or unhealthy organization seem over loaded with poorly motivated people, dissatisfied and frustrated infact most authorities in behavioural science believe that only true motivation is an internal feelings that courses one to behave the way he/she does. This is because individuals are usually more productive when doing a task simply because they want to do it, not because they feel that they have to do it.

       Thus, it is imperative that the best a manager can do is to create an environment that is motivational to employees. The more managers are able to take into account the unique needs expectations and the level of aspiration of individual employees, the more successful. Such managers will be in creating a motivating climate wherein each workers and the more such workers can produce because of their irrespective internal behavior but what is this motivation? What leads to motivated behaviour? Why do people behave the way they do? However the concept of motivation is based on this questions particularly the question of the why’s of behaviour.

Because work is done by people, it follows that work is a function of human behaviour therefore to influence others, the manager must be able to influence the behavior of these others in other to get job/work done, the manager must therefore understand why they behave the way they do Inyang, B. J. (2002).

       Generally speaking, motivation theory of Needs maintains that man behaves the way he does to satisfy his needs, Joe Ona (1982) this needs can be classified into the following:

i)            Physiological needs: Such as food, clothing sleep, shelter and sex, such needs for recognition, status, achievements, responsibilities, and growth.

ii)          Sociological needs: Such as needs for belonging, love, affection and for acceptance for job satisfaction and efficiency the environment must be convulsive to most theorist, job satisfaction and performance depends on factors such as intensions, role perceptions and abilities, outcomes and valences. Therefore a person may fail to perform because he/she has not developed either specific goals or may have misunderstood what was expected of him. This implies that many factor, control job satisfaction some from the individual and others from the work structure.

1.2  STATEMENT OF PROBLEMS                 

       Nigeria is reputed the sixth largest producer of oil in the world, Recent exploratory works have indicated that the country has an even larger reserve of natural gas than petroleum. The country has the potential therefore, to become a leading industrialized nation in the world, in the not-tot –distant future due to this natural endowment. (If the potential are properly harnessed).

       The current state of affairs in the nation in general as relation to the work force motivation makes it necessary to temper this optimism with caution. “The workers some few weeks ago embarked on a strike”. Over what? They are demanding for another pay rise after the one granted few months ago” what more do they want? These statement and comments and many similar ones are reported frequently in the dailies and are commented upon by watchers of development in various industry and service organization. The question are often asked to what workers in general and particular want from their employers? Can there be an end to the clamour for increase in wages? Why do workers work and what induces them to work and give in their best? What then can service organization operating in this country do to elicit the right work attitude and derive from their employees towards achieving continous productivity and growth?

       More over, my intention is to elicit response from the staff’s of Zenith Bank Plc on their view about the implication of various motivational factors in the organization especially how it affects their responsibilities and productivities. Answers to the following research question are going to be sort as to provide solutions to the problems of the study:

1)         Is there any relationship between motivational factors and higher productivity for experienced staff of Zenith Bank Plc?    

2)         Is there any relationship between motivational factors and workers productivity for less experienced staff?   

3)         Is there any relationship between motivational factors and approach to work of both old and new members of the staff in each department of the bank?

4)         Is there any relationship between motivational factors and attitude to work of less and experienced staff?

5)         What is the level of performance at work of the young staff as well as those for National Youth Crops Staff and Industrial attachment staff?


This research will attempt to proffer answers to the questions agitating the mind of management of the organization as to what adequately motivates her workers to contribute their quotes towards their organizational growth and productivity. The research will look at motivation from the perspective of workforce. While seeking to refute or validate the various models and theories of motivation by finding out from the “house mouth” what really motivates the workers in the organization of today and the causes of poor performance and low productivity.

The purpose of this study however, is to find out whether there is any relationship between adequate motivational factors and productivity to work among staff, management in the organization under the study.


       The assumptions of the study are that the staff or Zenith Bank Plc in Nigeria are not well adequately motivated in terms of financial remuneration and provision of enable working environments.

Secondly, poor motivation could lead to frustration, which could manifest itself in various ways amongst staff. Example could be low productivity and non challent attitude towards work.


       I believe that work can be meaningful and satisfying to a given job incumbent only when it elicits and stimulates his inner motivation. These views raise some research questions, which from the basis of the hypothesis for this study. To put this in proper perspective, the following hypothesis were formulated for testing:-

1.5.1   There is no significant relationship between motivational factors and work productivity for experience staff of Zenith Bank Plc.

1.5.2   That pay packet is a necessity but not a sufficient condition for worker satisfaction in the organization.

1.5.3   That the organization will perform better when the satisfaction the workers derives from doing their work outweighs the discomfort and sacrifices that are involved.

1.5.4   Monetary incentives and rewards exerts a stronger influence on workers than any form of motivational factors.

1.5.5   Productivity and motivation as observed in workers operate in direct proportion.

1.5.6   I also have a lot of hunches, which answers may relate to the hypothesis of this study and I believe that these need investigation for the promotion of greater satisfaction and productivity in the organization. My hunches are as follows: That at the top management and supervisory levels of the organization, an employee will derive greater satisfaction carring out a decision in which he has take part in making. That the security of work employed by workers is a motivating force, when this security is threatened it breeds frustration and/lower productivity. That achievement is a great motivating factor in an individual and every worker looks up to it. That every staff like other worker anywhere want recognition and failure to get this results in lower morale and lack of productivity. The advancement or promotion is a great incentive and motivating force in any organization. That the job itself is meaningful to the satisfaction of workers. That at the managerial and supervisory level in service, responsibilities motivates. That growth solidarity and a sense of belonging will contribute vitally to the morale of the staff. That growth or development in the organization will as well increase the productivity of the staff; and  That leadership or management style in any organization will greatly affect the output of the job.

       These proportions, which I believe supplement or explain the major hypothesis of this study are examined in the study. This study hopes to show the effect of the above stated objectives, in particularly it will fatherly examine the effects of motivational factors other than money in the effective functioning of the organization policy makers and offer suggestions for improvement.


       The findings from this study will help to highlight those areas where there are problems amongst staff and thus will be of great benefit to the management and policy makers of the organization.

The results of this findings would hopefully help to further highlight the likely problems of frustration and how motivation can be used to either reduce or eliminate these problem amongst the staff or Zenith Bank Plc, and other service organization as well. The results from this study will verify the concept of group dynamics and staff behaviour to work. Through such understanding the administrative scope of the chief executives officials could be broadened and this would put him in a better position to review and over-haul their orientation to administration in terms of better motivating staff and thus producing better result by fully utilizing the human resources potentials available.


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