Influence of radio ownership on professional. – Complete project material



1.1 Background of the study

The Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria is the Pioneer Broadcast Organization in

Nigeria with a rich culture of excellence. Available records reveal that Radio Broadcasting was

introduced into Nigeria in 1933 by the then colonial Government. It relayed the overseas service

of the British Broadcasting Corporation through wired system with loudspeakers at the listening

end. The service was called Radio Diffusion System, RDS. From the RDS emerged the Nigerian

Broadcasting Services, NBS in April 1980. Prior to the NBS, the colonial Government had

commissioned the Nigerian Broadcasting survey, undertaken by Messrs Byron and Turner which

recommended the establishment of stations in Lagos, Kaduna, Enugu, Ibadan and Kano. Mr.

T.W. Chalmers, a Briton and controller of the BBC Light Entertainment Programme was the first

Director-General of the NBS.

Radio ownership and control has since colonial times been subjected more to political

exigencies than economic forces. Successive governments have, in the laws they enact and

enforce, made it abundantly clear that the press was at the mercy of politics, and that the political

tune to which a paper dances was enough to ensure its survival or death Abramsky, (2005). The

laws and their implementation have seldom encouraged private investment in the media nor

given radio proprietors reason to believe that it is feasible to run it as a business by attracting

advertisement revenue with good circulation figures.

The government shows that it is more interested in containing the media politically than

in providing its proprietors and practitioners the enabling economic environment they need for

professional excellence and financial independence. This has brought about the

underdevelopment of the press by imposing on it a series of constraints. No one who knows what

a radio looks like (in content and form) take seriously.


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