Influence of News Commentaries on Radio Listeners In Magboro, Ogun State – Complete project material

Influence of News Commentaries on Radio Listeners In Magboro, Ogun State




Communication is the process of sending message from one person to another with the aim of passing message across and the content of the message is called information.  Information is vital for every sphere of life because of its great importance to a nation and the society at large. Information they say its key because of its major role to social, economic and political consequences. Communication is not a new word to mankind which is fundamental to human existence, continuity and national development revolves.

According to the communication Act of 1934, broadcasting encompasses the dissemination of radio and television signals intended to be receive simultaneously by the general public or by intermediary such as radio stations. There are different media utilized in communication such as as Newspapers, Magazines, Electronics such as Radio, Television. The broadcast industry which consists of radio and television and some other print media have a lot of importance to the society at large. The electronic media categories are the most prominent and significant media among the set of medium of communication. Radio appears to be very important because of its widespread coverage and use across all the urban and rural areas. Radio as a medium of mass communication has wider scope of coverage and as a commonly used medium makes greater impact on the audience.  Radio is a mechanical medium of communication whose reception Levine (2011) noted that radio continues to be a widely used medium for reporting both local and international news. Although, advances in technology might  have led to the emergence of a broad range of media outlets and platforms which made the radio more accessible for the populace

Radio media is a major component that is common at rural and urban areas. It is obvious that radio is one of the media that is common to the general public. The relationship between radio and its public has always been based on a mutual act of faith. The media does not know its listeners because they cannot identify or see the people listening to them. Radio and its listeners have always been strangers to each other and listeners never knew who the voices on the radio belonged to the history of radio news commentary in Nigeria dated back to the 1930’s when what was known as radio receiver was just a wooden box and as amp liter.

Today the media house news do not only run commentary on societal problems but sometimes discuss on the measures to solve issues of the society. The media house has become a medium to disseminate news commentary immediately after major news- bulletins perhaps as an attention gaining strategy. The media house not only give air space to commentaries written by its own staff but also uses those written in the additional headlines of various  new papers this giving freedom of expression .(Tiziano, 2014)

Radio stations at different frequency modulations present fact to the news commentary that are aired to listeners who are not seen. Although sight or vision is an indispensable in learning and retention –vision because it is said to aid the memory to produce previously retained content which enhances quick remembrance

Furthermore, the need of radio stations to attract more adverts and customers to generate more revenue led to news commentary. The word commentary means a notebook or explanation. It also means a comment, remark or critiqued note. Mikhail cited in Uwakala (2015) describe commentary means review and explanation of public and political facts and events its strength is contained in competent, correct selection and interposing of the facts with critical assessment of events which guides the listeners reaction and works upon their minds along certain views.

1.2 Statement of the Problem:

Radio is used globally in rural and urban areas because of its accessibility while in the car, walking using transistor radio, or the use of mobile phone to listen to news from commentaries.  In developing country like Nigeria with diverse ethnic group of people whom have diverse thought, radio commentaries or news talk capable of interpreting events bordering on global and societal issues is important to the populace.

Despite the importance of news commentaries among the populace, the introduction of news commentaries has raised a lot of arguments among radio listeners. It was observed that some of the radio listeners asserted that news commentaries aid them understand and better informed about the current issues. This study therefore sought to investigate the influence of news commentaries on radio listeners.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to find out the influence of news commentaries on radio listeners in Magboro Ogun state

are to:

  • Identify various issues discuss on news commentaries among radio listeners
  • Determine the attitude of radio listeners to news commentaries
  • Ascertain the frequency and length of understanding issues discussed on news commentaries among radio listeners
  • Find out the benefits of news commentaries in radio broadcasting

The following research questions will guide this study;

  • What are the various issues discuss on news commentaries among radio listeners?
  • What is the attitude of radio listeners to news commentaries?
  • What is the frequency and length of understanding issues discussed on news commentaries among radio listeners?
  • What are the benefits of news commentaries in radio broadcasting among the respondents in Magboro Ogun state?


1.5 Significance of the Study

The results of this study would be immensely important to the Government on the use of radio commentaries to disseminate information and orientate the public. This study will also serve as a base line study for further study and give an insight on the benefits of news commentaries to residence of Magboro Ogun state at accessing information

1.6       Scope of the Study

This study will cover radio listener’s residence at Magboro in Ogun state.

1.7       Definition of Terms

Electronic Media: The audio medium of disseminating simultaneous information to the populace.

Message: A usually short communication transmitted by words, signals from one person, station, or group to another.

News: The report of current ideas, events or situations that interest the audience which is timely account of an interesting event because it is important and give their lives meaning

News commentaries: This is the analysis of issues from news and digests for public opinion on an event at a point in time

Radio Listeners: All the people who listen or hear from a radio station either frequency modular (FM) or Amplitude Modulation (AM)

Radio listenership: The frequency and length of duration spent while listening to radio broadcast.


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