Impact of social media on drugs usage among youth: A case study of Nima community in Ghana – Complete project material

Impact of social media on drugs usage among youth: A case study of Nima community in Ghana


This study was on impact of social media on drugs usage among youth a case study of Nima community in Ghana The total population for the study is 200 students of selected university in Nima, Ghana. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made final year students, year four students, year three students and year two students were used for the study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies.

Chapter one


1.1Background of the study

Mass media stories and reports of drugs and drug use are extensive and a daily occurrence. Mass media consists not only of traditional print sources such as newspapers and magazines, but also radio, television, advertising in many formats, and the new electronic media on the Inter-net. Media sources have become important forms of drug information for patients and drug consumers (Montagne,2001).

There has been a great deal of interest recently in the role of mass media in drug use, with a primary focus on alcohol, tobacco, and prescription medications and especially its influence on adolescents (Strasburger & Donnerstein, 1999). For example, magazines with the highest proportion of young readers are also the most likely to contain alcohol ads (King et al., 2009). Ninth-grade students who listen to music with marijuana references are twice as likely to use the drug as their peers who do not listen to these songs (Primack, Douglas, &Kraemer, 2010). Exposure to onscreen smoking in movies increases the probability that young people will start smoking (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention[CDC], 2010). An analysis of YouTube videos found that most posted videos on tobacco depict smoking behaviors and are supportive of smoking (Elkin, Thom-son, & Wilson, 2010). Mexican American adolescents are more likely to experiment with cigarettes if they have been heavily exposed to scenes of smoking in movies (Wilkinson et al., 2009). Alcohol marketing has gone on-line as alcohol industry now exploits a variety of the new media tools to promote alcohol products most especially to young audiences (Chester, Montgomery, & Dorfman, 2010). To counter these depictions of drug use in mass media, it has been suggested that prevention programs engage young people in a form of media literacy, to train them how to interpret messages and to develop critical thinking skills (Kupersmidt, Scull, & Austin,2010). How influential is mass media in creating societal perceptions of drugs and drug use? Some research suggests that mass media are instrumental in generating moral panics, strong societal reactions against certain drugs and drug users (Murji, 1998). At issue is the quality of reporting on news stories. Coomber, Morris, and Dunn (2000) found that exaggeration, distortion, inaccuracy, and sensationalism are common in news reporting. Quality control mechanisms are rarely employed to ensure accurate reporting of news accounts of drug use. Based on this study the researcher wants to investigate the impact of social media on drug usage among youth.

 Statement of the problem

A few studies have highlighted the use of illicit drug use among youths in Nigeria. It can be argued that Nigeria is reeling under the scourge of drug and social media addiction. The problem is eating away many youths at an alarming pace but many remain oblivious to this danger. Even though there is general agreement that drug abuse and social media consumption is not good for one’s health, the widespread of substance abuse and social media addiction has not attracted much attention and campaigns like other social ills yet it poses an imminent threat to the societal fabric of Nigeria. Many young people who are now deeply into drug, substance use and social media consumption are struggling to come out. Their lives are in tatters, with hopeless and uncertain future on the horizon. It is against this backdrop that despite the fact that drug prevention in Nigeria is a top priority the situation remains unabated. This paper contends that, despite the efforts of various stakeholders to raise awareness on substance abuse globally and in Africa, more youth continue to abuse substances. It is of utmost importance to note that the effects of substance abuse on families, communities, and nations at large cannot be overemphasized. For this reason, this paper will specifically focus on substance abuse and social media consumption. An assessment of services put in place to address this problem will also be made. It is worth noting that in Nigeria, most of the available studies in the country focused more on the effects and impact of substance abuse, leaving a gap of knowledge, to explore further, on how drugs abuse relates with social media. Drugs abuse and social media addiction are the most abused substances in Africa, and Nigeria is no exception.

Objective of the study

The objectives of the study are;

  1. To ascertain the relationship between social media and drugs usage among youth of Nima community in Ghana
  2. To ascertain the most use drug on social media in Nima community of Ghana
  3. To ascertain the health effect of drugs among youth of Nima community in Ghana
  4. To find out the social media that influences youth for drug usage in Nima community of Ghana

Research hypotheses

Ho:   There is no relationship between social media and drugs usage among youth of Nima community in Ghana.

Hi:    There is relationship between social media and drugs usage among youth of Nima community in Ghana

Ho:   there are no most use drug on social media in Nima community of Ghana .

Hi:    there most use drug on social media in Nima community of Ghana

 Significance of the study

This work is therefore important in the following ways:

  1. The new trend of drug abuse is shifting and the use of social media by the youths is also on the increase every day. This will help in providing adequate information in the area of codeine abuse and investigating why youths are shifting to that area of drug abuse and social media addiction.
  2. It will expose the most common drugs abused by youths and the sources of such drugs.
  3. To exposed the youths to accurate and up-to-date factual information about drugs and harmful effect of drug abuse and social media addiction.
  4. This work will contribute to knowledge through creating awareness and drawing the attention of the law enforcement agencies, government and general society to the causes of drug abuse among youths in our societies.
  5. Suggestions to be offered from the empirical data gathered will help to reduce or eliminate drug abuse and internet crime problem in our society.

Scope and limitation of the study

The scope of the study covers Impact of social media on drugs usage among youth a case study of Nima community in Ghana. The researcher encounters some constrain which limited the scope of the study;

  1. a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study
  2. b) TIME: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.


Drug: Any product other than food or water that affects the way people feel, think, see, and behave. It is a substance that, due to its chemical nature, affects physical, mental and emotional functioning. It can enter the body through chewing, inhaling, smoking, drinking, rubbing on the skin, or injection.

Drug abuse: Use of drugs for non-medical purposes. Drug abuse refers to the misuse of any psychotropic substances resulting in changes in bodily functions, thus affecting the individual socially, cognitively or physically. Social effects may be reflected in an individual’s enhanced tendency to engage in conflicts with friends, teachers, and other school authorities. Cognitive effects can be seen in the individual’s lack of concentration on academic work and memory loss (Eysenck, 2011).

Drug Use: Drug use is a broad term to cover the taking of all psychoactive substances within which there are stages: drug-free (i.e. non-use), experimental use, recreational use and harmful use, which is further sub-divided into misuse and dependence.

Youth: Refers to young people between 13 and 25 years of age or their activities and their characteristics. The majority of youths in Nigerian secondary schools are between 13 and 19 years, a stage referred to as adolescence. The term youth therefore includes this age bracket of youths.

Social media: Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.


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