Impact of Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) on the economic development of enugu metropolis. – Complete project material


When the researcher chose the topic: Impact of Nigeria Television Authority on the Economic development of Enugu metropolis, she was inspired to find out the extent (NTA) Nigeria Television Authority has contributed on the economic development of Enugu metropolis. That the mass media plays a pivotal role in the development process of a country is not again a saying. The mass media generally regarded as channels of communication that are capable of reaching heterogeneous audience simultaneously with uniform message.

They regularly cover-all sorts of issues such as health, music, fine art, crime, sports, entertainment/political evens, economy among others. Therefore, this study is aimed to examine the impact of electronic media on economic development of Enugu metropolis. The study made use of descriptive analysis with the use of survey method. Primary investigation revealed that the roles of the media cannot be divorced from issues of economic development of Enugu metropolis. The study therefore recommends that the media should endeavour to be involved in the dissemination of news and information in response to a basic human need, which is the “right to know” and they are also expected to analyze issues and facts contained in the news/ in line with the need and interest of a nation.


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