Impact of mobile phone on agricultural information among otukpo farmers. – Complete project material


The study “The Impact of mobile phone on Agricultural Information among Otukpo Farmers”. A study of Agric information dissemination among Otukpo farmer, Otukpo Local Government Area. Using a survey of five villages in Otukpo town, Otukpo Local Government Area of Benue State, the researcher found that Otukpo farmers has adopted the impact of mobile phones in getting agric information due to the benefits derives from it such as enabling verification/discussion with chief farmers and extension workers, facilitating communication and saves transportation cost, institution relationship with agricultural extension officers, helps to obtain information on price of goods and services.

This research also finds that the following problems are associated with the use of mobile phones – poor network services, high charges, network congestion, power failure and reduction interconnectivity. The study is anchored on the diffusion of innovation theory which excludes that mobile phone have generally improved farmers in the farming system. It recommends that Nigeria communications commission should set a standard for the mobile phone operators in Nigeria with regards to signal strength, voice quality, successful recharge and balance inquiry call centre operations and call success rate to improve services. This study recommends that the chairman of Otukpo local government area should provide frequent power supply for the Otukpo town, also the extension workers should pay serious attention to the information needs of the farmers.


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