Impact of information and communication technology (ict) on radio news reporting. – Complete project material



1.1 Background of the Study
Broadcasting has been at the forefront of many technological changes, mostly in digitalization and enhancement of existing technology. For example, digital technology now permits listeners to obtain traffic information and news per se, while listening to a cassette, compact disc or radio station etc. (Church Akpan 2006).

We are all living in a changing world, and over the past many ears we have been conditioned to accept changes in the way we think and relate. Thus, communication between the peoples of the world which sounded utopist before is now becoming a reality in or very eyes giving practical meaning to Marshall Mollohan’s view of the world ad a global village interlinked by communication technologies, (Mc Lucan, 1964. P47)

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are electronic machines and devices. Their application have both computing and communication capabilities. They range from physical devices like digital cameras, tape recorders, computers, sensing devices, scanners, mobile phone, etc to cyber space-the internet, software, teleconferencing, satellite etc. Their application is broad and cuts across all interpersonal and mass communication media, giving more power, robustness and veracity to their operations and performance. More thane ninety years after the world’s first broadcasting station were pounded, radio is still the most persuasive, accessible, affordable and flexible mass medium available in cities, urban towns and rural areas. It is often the only mass medium available to majority of the people.
The application of information and communication technologies into broadcasting especially radio broadcasting is therefore designed to boost and enhance qualities of broadcast programmes. Most importantly has been the digitization.


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