Evaluation Of Facilities And Materials For Teaching Ceramics In Some Selected Colleges Of Education In North – East Geo- Political Zone Of Nigeria – Complete project material


This study was designed to evaluate the status of facilities, equipment and materials for effective
teaching of ceramic education in Colleges of education in North – East Geo- Political Zone of
Nigeria. The study evaluated the availability and functionality of facilities, equipments and
materials used for teaching ceramic education in the Colleges of Education. Four research
questions, four objectives were stated and four null hypothesis were formulated and tested.
Textbooks, Dictionaries, Journals, Encyclopaedias, theses, magazines, conference papers,
photographs, internet, verbal information, personal observations were considered and
acknowledged as means of references. The survey research method was used for the study. A
total of eighty respondents ceramic students, were randomly selected out of one hundred and
forty – seven using stratified random sampling technique. The instruments used for the study
were questionnaires and checklist. The questionnaire and checklist were used as the main
instruments for the study Statistics of percentages was used to describe the characteristics of the
respondents, while chi-square was used to test the null hypothesis at 0.05. 56 (69,4%) of the
respondents agreed while 24 (30.6%) respondents disagree that there are facilities, equipment
and materials. The calculated χ2 is 6.05, while the % critical value is 7.82. This result shows that
the χ 2 calculated value is less than χ 2 critical value. Therefore, the null hypothesis which states
that there is no significant difference in the opinion of the respondents towards availability of
facilities, equipment and materials in the colleges of education is retained. Twenty – eight (35%)
of the respondents agree that the materials and equipment are adequate, while 52 (63%)
disagreed. The obtained χ 2 was 39.32, which was greater than the critical χ2 of 7.82. Therefore
the null hypothesis that states that there is no significant difference in the opinions of
respondents on the adequacy of existing materials and equipment is rejected. Twenty – three
(28%) of the respondents agree, while 59 (72%) disagreed about the proper functioning of
existing equipment. The obtained χ 2 was 24.6 while the critical χ 2 was 7.82. Therefore the null
hypothesis that states that there is no significant difference in the opinions of the respondents
towards the proper functioning of existing equipment and materials is rejected. From the analysis
of the responses it was observed that there are facilities, equipment and materials for teaching
ceramics in the colleges. These materials and equipment are however, not adequate for the
teaching and learning needs of the students in the colleges. It was also observed from the
responses in table 4.15 that the problems associated with the use and maintenance of equipment,
facilities and materials are insufficient equipment, poor standard of equipment, the poor culture
of acquiring equipment to meet the growing demand for them, dependence on manual production
instead of mechanized production and the equipment are old and outdated making the acquisition
of their spare pans very difficult. It could be concluded that without adequate provision of
equipment, facilities and materials for the teaching of ceramics, proper teaching and learning will
be hampered and in some colleges made almost impossible.
Even with the existing equipment and materials, teaching and learning task will become difficult
for both lecturers and students if they are not functioning properly or if they are inadequate.




Title page
Table of Contents
List Tables
List Figures
List of Appendices
1.1 Background to the Study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Basic Assumptions
15 Hypothesis
1.6 Objectives of the Study
1.7 Scope and Limitation of the Study
1.8 Purpose of the study
1.9 Significance of the Study
2.0 Review of Related Literature
2.1 Importance of Ceramics
2.2 The Establishment of Colleges of Education in Nigeria-
2.3 The Colleges of Education for the Study
2.4 Ceramic Teaching in Polytechnics and Colleges of Education-
2.5 Basic Ceramic Equipment
2.5.1 The Potter’s Wheel
2.5.2 The Origin of the Potter’s Wheel
2.5.3 Modern/current development
2.5.4 Glaze-Room Equipment
2.5.5 Kilns
2.5.6 Fuel kilns
2.5.7 Electric/Gas Kilns
2.5.8 Kiln Furniture
2.5.9 Pyrometric Cones
2,5.10 Keeping a Log
2.6 Clay. the Basic Material- – – – – –
2.6.1 Source of clay
2.6.2 Types of Clay
2.7 Ceramic Raw Materials
2.7.1 Glazes
2.7.2 Glaze Raw Materials
2.7.3 Glaze Formation
2.7.4 Glaze Type
2.7.5 Ceramic Oxides
2.8 Sources of Getting Ceramic, Equipment and Materials-
2.9 Care and Maintenance of Ceramic Equipment and Materials-
2.10 Managing the Material Resources – – – – –
2.11 Resources Maintenance
2.12 Summary and Uniqueness of the Study- – – –
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Population, Sample and Sampling Procedure – – –
3.3 Research Instruments
3.4 Validity and Reliability of the Research Instruments-
3.5 Method of Data Collection and Procedure
3.6 Data Analysis
4.0 Data Presentation, Results and Discussion – – –
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Demographic analysis of Respondents- – – – – 54
4.3 Availability of Ceramics Equipment – – – – – 55
4.4 Availability of Ceramics Materials – 56
4.5 Availability of tools and utensils in the Colleges- – – – 57
4.6 Availability of Safety and Hygiene Materials – – – –
4.7 Analysis of the opinions of Respondents on the Availability,
Functionality and Adequacy of Facilities, Equipment and
Materials for teaching Ceramics. – – – – – – 59
4.8 Chi-square Analysis of the opinions of Respondents on the availability,
Functionality and adequacy of facilities. Equipment and Materials in the Colleges
Of Education. 65
4.9 Discussion of Findings- 68
5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation – – – – 74
5.1 Summary-74
5.2. Conclusion — – – – – – – – 74
5.3 Recommendations — – – – – – – 75
5.4 Suggestion for further Research 76
References- 77
Appendices 86




1.1 Background to the Study
In every teaching and learning institution, facilities, instruments, materials, equipment and
manpower for instruction are very important for the effective teaching and learning process.
Famwang (2003) stated that the search for aids to make teaching and learning easy and effective
has been long among educators. The teacher needs to know which instructional materials and
pieces of equipment are appropriate and relevant for the teaching– learning situation. Owen
(1973) stated that instructional materials are an educator’s tools. They are used in classrooms or
studios throughout the world to improve teaching and effect learning. Everything should be done
to get the educational institutions to fulfill their potentials, not by providing the schools with
endless – but in the end trivial -options, but by supplying effective alternative for individual
The National Policy on Education (NPE) (2000) stated that the minimum qualification for
entry into the teaching profession shall be the Nigeria certificate in Education (NCE). However,
according to Ewule (2004) investigations of current ceramic teaching in Nigerian schools and
colleges has been found to be unscientific, poor and not organized to produce sound knowledge
ceramic teachers. This could be due to the lack of modem equipment and adequate materials in
the Colleges of Education for proper foundations of teaching and learning.
Colleges of Education would play a vital role if they are adequately equipped with
equipment and materials for teaching and learning. Some of these equipment and materials
according to Alasa (2005) include kilns, potter’s wheels, glazes, modeling tools, clays, and so on.
These he stated are inevitable aids that enhance and facilitate the teaching and production
processes in ceramics. The use of equipment and materials in the Colleges of Education is
however hampered by some factors. These factors according to Ewule (2006) are unavailability
of basic equipment, high cost of production of the materials and exorbitant prices of available
pieces of equipment. Ajayi and Chindo (2005) also pointed out that many higher institutions
responsible for the training of graduates in the country lack even the basic training aids such as
kilns, throwing wheels and so forth. Other problems identified by Idowii (2006) include lack of
fund to carry out necessary research especially in higher institutions of learning of which he
advised the government at various levels to make enough funds available to carry out the
necessary research that can lead the advancement of the profession. Training of Teachers
(minimum) seems to be underrated and students do not appear to be adequately sponsored. Most
students offer the course as a stepping stone to other professions such as Banking, Law, etc. Lack
of Resource Centers where research materials laboratory for research and research pieces of
equipment such as high temperature kiln are available is yet another challenge.
Ajayi and Chindo (Ibid) also identified the shortfall in skilled manpower and modern
technology, research and development as well as inadequate and reliable ceramic infrastructure.
According to them the present curricula operated in ceramic training institutions in the country
are too shallow, narrow and lack contents for the development for ceramic technology. This to
them is a misnomer and portrays the course more of art and design, which is meant to beautify
the physical environment. They concluded that this has made educationist and policy makers in
education to see and misconstrue ceramics as nothing different from the art of beautifying the
physical environment Whereas Chaffers (1965) and Arayela (2006) pointed out that
pottery/ceramics is the mother of all art. The development of pottery/ceramics was a milestone in
human history.
According to Ahuwan (2003) Nigeria that aspires to industrialization is over-burdened by
the paradox, where they adore ceramics ware on their alls, toilets, roofs and tables but do not
appreciate their child studying ceramics in Universities, Polytechnics or Colleges of Education.
This study evaluates the availability, adequacy, functionality and maintenance of the ceramic
equipment and materials in Colleges of Education in the North-East Geo-Political zone of
1.2 Statement of the problem
The lack of adequate facilities, equipment and materials is one of the problems affecting
the teaching of ceramic education in most of the Colleges of Education today. According to
Gukas (2005) colleges are supposed to have adequate basic ceramic equipment and materials for
effective teaching and learning in the colleges.
1.3 Research Questions
The following research questions were developed to guide this study:
i. Are there available facilities, equipment and materials for teaching ceramics?
ii. Are the equipment and materials adequate?
iii. Are the equipment and materials functioning properly?
iv. What are the major problems associated with the use and maintenance of equipment and
sourcing of materials in the colleges of education?
1.4 Basic Assumptions
For the purpose of this study, the following assumptions were made:
i. The Colleges of Education had facilities, pieces of equipment and materials for teaching
ii. The pieces of equipment and materials are adequate
iii. The pieces of equipment are functioning properly
iv. The maintenance of the pieces of equipment is effective.
1.5 Hypothesis
Major Hypothesis:
There is no significant difference between the opinions of respondents on the availability,
adequacy, functionality and maintenance of facilities, equipment and materials for teaching
ceramics among the Colleges of Education in the North-East Geo-political zone of Nigeria.
Sub Hypothesis:
1. There is no significant difference in the opinions of the respondents on the availability of
facilities, equipment and materials in the Colleges of Education.
2. There is no significant difference in the opinions of the respondents on the adequacy of
existing facilities, equipment and materials.
3. There is no significant difference in the opinions of the respondents towards the proper
functioning of the existing facilities, equipment and materials.
4. There is no significant difference in the opinions of the respondents on the maintenance
and use of existing facilities, equipment and materials.
1.6 Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study are:
i. To ascertain the availability of facilities, equipment and materials in the Colleges of
Education in the North-East Geo-political zone of Nigeria.
ii. To determine the adequacy of the existing equipment and facilities in the College of
Education in the North-East Geo-political zone of Nigeria.
iii. To find out if the equipment and materials are functioning properly in the Colleges of
Education in the North-East Geo-political zone of Nigeria.
iv. To identify the major problems associated with the use and maintenance of these
equipment and materials in the Colleges of Education in the North-East Geo-political
zone of Nigeria.
1.7 Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study was limited to assessing ceramic facilities, equipment and materials in the four
selected Colleges of Education in the North-East Geo-political zone of Nigeria.
These include College of Education, Gashua, Yobe State; College of Education, Hong,
Adamawa State, Kashim Ibrahim College of Education, Maiduguri, Borno State and Federal
College of Education (Technical) Potiskum, Yobe State.
1.8 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is to find out the availability, adequacy, functionality and maintenance
stance of the equipment and materials in some selected Colleges of Education in North-East
Geo-political zone of Nigeria.
1.9 Significance of the Study
The outcome of the study may provide data on the status of ceramic educational facilities, pieces
of equipment and materials in the North-East Geo-political zone. The bulk of (lie thesis will
equally be a reference material for educational administrators, planners, teachers and parents,
colleges of education, resources persons, state and federal government. This will in no small way
assist them in the proper planning of the Ceramic Education Programme. It may also assist
planners in education to formulate strategies that may ensure that the adequate provision of
facilities, equipment, and materials and to find out the reasons for the dearth of facilities in order
to avert them These contributions will help the individuals, organizations and nation grow
healthy, economically, socially and educationally sound. It also creates room for decision
making. It will help to strengthen the foundation of students all over the nation and in the world
at large.
The result of the study could be used to develop possible solutions and suggestions that
can contribute to making teaching and learning to be effective.


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