This research study conducted was that of evaluating the strength of concrete in harsh environment. The study area were that of the reclamation area in Spella Maris with longitude 40 45’ 15’’N and latitude 70 01’04’’E (which has the presence of spilled crude oil within its vicinity and the operation of exploration activities and facilities), Bundu water front with longitude 40 44’ 49’’N and latitude 70 01’ 13’’E (the water front is Brine within its surroundings and there are industrial manufacturing plants) all in Port Harcourt and the Mechanic village in Bori with longitude 40 39’ 38’’N and latitude 70 23’ 13’’E (which typically consist of fuel, grease/oil and the presence of car site seepages in the soil). Soil samples collected from these sites where analyzed for their chemical constituents present. Concrete cubes of grade c15 with mix ratios 1:3:6 and 1:2:4 was made and placed in containers soils collected from these sites so as to see the effect of their chemical constituents present on Concrete with curing interval of 28 days. The cubes were subjected to compressive testing using the drained and undrained methods. The results obtained showed that the average crushing strength is 15.8N/mm2 which is lower compressive strength compare to the empirical value. The study conducted shows the typical phenomenon that can result in the interaction of concrete reaction in typical brine or unfavourable environment especially that of our rich-polluted Niger Delta environment thus soil investigation needs to be done before construction and subsequent remedial measures needs to be in place before construction activities.


Waste is one of the adverse effects of man’s development strides in the form of urbanization, industrialization of production of packaged and disposablecontainers as well as population growth. Waste is said to be any substance or material that the producer has no use that must be disposed Nigeria generate more than 32 million tons of solid waste annually, but only 20-30% are collected. illegal disposal of municipal solid waste has led to the blockage of sewers and drainage system, and choking of water bodies.

As reported by the United Nations Habitat Watch, African City population with more than triple over the next 40years. Citiesin Africa are already mandated with slums; a phenomenon that could tripe urban populations and spell disaster.

Scenario in Lagos

Lagos state, the commercial bub of Nigeria, is the second fast growing city in Africa and Seventh in the World. Lagos State waste management Agency (LAWMA) to manage along hence the need to engage the services of private waste firms and others franchisee to reduce the burden of waste collection and disposal, one fundamental issue is the delayed collection of household solids waste. In some cases the wastes are not collected until after a week or two, consequently, the waste bin overflows and litters the surroundings.

Situation in Oyo apart from Lagos State, Oyo is another ancient town in Nigeria with an estimated population of Six Million people. Here, Solid waste is regulated by the Oyo State solid Management Authority (OYOWMA). Unlike Lagos State, Oyo State does not have a proper waste management scheme that cuts across the nooks and crannies of the State. Apart from Ibadan, the capital city, people from other towns like Ogbomoso and Iseyin resort to waste inform burning. They dump the waste along flood paths thus, compounding the waste predicament.

Kano and Rivers State with its fair share of population also suffers similar fate in controlling and managing solid waste. Generally, speaking, population increase in Nigeria had led to an unprecedented growth in its economy but with a devastating effect on the environment as more wastes are generated due to the need for housing, manufacturing industries and a boost in trade volume.

Waste management situation in Nigeria currently requires concrete effort to sensitize the general public on the need for proper disposal of solid waste also, the officials should be well trained on professionalism, service delivery and ensured that other states within the country have access to quality waste managers who are within reach and can assist on the best approach to managing their waste before collection.

Edo from Alemma-OzioruraAlius Benin City in Edo State, Waste disposal has remained a challenge over the years with indiscriminate dumping of refuse in available spaces specially markets, drainages and open space in residential areas. But nine years ago, when Comrade. Adams Oshiomhole because of governor of the state, there was a massive investment in waste evacuation and disposal with the upgrading of the states waste management board.

By KemiSokoyaand Maria Diamond.

The guardian observed that at the Apapa axis of Lagos, apart from indiscriminate parking of tankers there are also large dumps of refuse on virtually all the roads and available spaces.

Investigation reveals that this was caused by improper disposal of waste by residents and the inability of the waste disposal service providers to do their job. The recent flooding in Lagos has been attributed to the dumping of refuse at canals and drainages. Traders within Apapa axis prefer to dump waste by roadside, which is an ideal reading ground for flies, rats and other predators.

Nigeria is one of the most urbanizing countries among developing nations in the world (Lyida, 2015). It is believed that over 240 urban centers exist in Nigeria with a population of about 35million people and urbanization level of 42% (Nwachukwu, 2009 and Ezeodili, 2013). According to the United States Report (2000), Nigeria may reach an urbanization level of 61% by the year 2025.

The issues of waste collection and disposal

Domestic waste management collection and disposal have always been a universal problems. According to studies, it was noted that for years, the major problem in Isreal (especially in Ramat Hovar) was the accumulation of tens of thousands of tons or organic wastes. Also in the U.S until the 1970s Federal Agencies had little authority to regulate hazardous and solid disposal often took in an unsafe manner at Landfills or inclined Lagoons, with some wastes simply dumped on the ground or in surface waters.


Municipal solid wastes generally can be classified in terms of three major sources of generators, residential, commercial and industrial. Sometimes, institutional sources are separated from commercial sources and, the traditional scheme of classification, residential (domestic) solid waste consists of household garbage and rubbish, or refuse.

Inyanget al.,  (2016) state that solid waste may be referred to as leaves, food, reminants, paper cartons, textiles materials, bones, ash/dust/stones, dead animals, human biomedical debris, household hardware (electrical appliances and furniture etc.).

Solid waste consist everyday items which are used and thrown away such as product packaging, furniture, clothing, bottles, newspapers alliance household garbage, food wastes and yards etc. Atuet al., (2012)

Solid waste may also be classified based in relation to sources including municipal (domestic, industrial, and commercial). Agricultural, mining and mineral, radioactive and industrial waste. However, among the sources, municipal waste contribute the highest volume annually Joseph et al., (2012).

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is any non harzardous solid waste from a combination of domestic, commercial and industrial sources. It includes intrescible waste, garden waste and uncontaminated bio-solids. Solid wastes constitute a menace which has drastically plagued the environment worldwide, hence the concept of waste management Udohet al., (2012).

Solid waste management, in terms of domestic, industrial and commercial wastes, traditionally consists of collection and disposal methods, depending on the type of waste, the area and level of processing required. West Africa Health Examination Board (1991) viewed waste management as the systematic administration of activities, which provide for the collection transportation and processing of waste. It is the handling process of solid waste materials from sources of generation to their final disposal.

Solid waste management is essential in environmental engineering. Solid waste management may be defined as the collection, transport processing or disposal, managing and monitoring of solid materials Atangldehet al., (2016).

Peter L. (2000) describes solid waste management as the humans control on the collection, treatment and disposal of different waste. The processes involved has the aim of promoting quality of the environment, protecting environmental health generating employment and income as well as supporting the efficiency and productivity of the economy.

Globally, poor management of solid waste posed a lot of problems both to the local environment and human inhabitants. Understandably, wastes are often indiscriminately dumped on open plots of land, along or on streets. This in effect causes pollution, environmental degradation, health hazard and aesthetical descend. Those founds on drain obstruct the free flow of water resulting to urban flooding, which destroys lives and properties as well as causes displacement of people, those deposited along motorways constitute obstruction to the free flow to traffic while generating offensive odours to the neighbourhood and unpleasant sight to the inhabitants (Atu et al., 2012).

However, solid waste management according to research reduces or Leachate. This leads to outbreak of diseases such as cholera and typhoid fever which has cause the loss of lots of human lives nevertheless. This scenario arises where ineffective management or lack of proper supervision and disposals is on the contrary, effective solid waste management according to research reduces or eliminates adverse impacts on the environment and human health and supports economic development and improved quality of life.

Waste collection is one of the waste management tools. It is an important aspect in maintaining public health in cities around the world. The problem of waste generation and management in most cities especially in developing countries has become one of the intractable environmental problems facing urban centers (Afangideh, A. Joseph, K &Atu, J. 2012).

Afangidehet al., (2012) explain that the situation could be attributed to low level of technology that is not sophisticated enough to handle the high rats of waste generation. The amount of waste collected varies widely by region and income level. Collection varies widely by region and income level. Collection within cities can also differ greatly, however, collection rates range from a low of 41% in low-income countries to a high of 98% in high income.

Granted, waste collection is the collection of all kinds of resulting refuse from point resource (Residential, Industrial, Commercial and Institutional) to the point of treatment or disposal. Waste collection also includes curbsides collection of recyclable waste to wealth. Sequentially, collected waste can be separated or mixed depending on local regulation but improper collection treatment and disposal of waste is conducive to the spread of diseases (Gaurar&Sarva 2014).

Consequently, Guarar&Sarva (2014) described the more essential resulting diseases from the point source (Living activities of human and other animals) of waste in itcategory, there are diseases such as dysentery (Amoebic and bacillary), typhoid fever, Leptospirosis, cholera, plague, endemic typhus and infectious hepatitis.

Sequel to the above, Akatah (2010) frantically explained that water is essential to all processes of life on earth that every human being on earth needs to ingest it in liquids and food thus water is unsuitable for the consumer will be affected by water borne diseases.

Considerably, there are mitigation techniques of handling those waste to ameliorate the adverse effect on living being differs, yet the rate of those diseases is increasing geometrically through a phenomenon called ingestion.

Hence, following the onset of industrialization, commercial activities and the sustained urban growth of large population centers in the study area the buildup of waste in the cities has caused a rapid deterioration water (surface and groundwater) through leaching and that of urban life. The streets became choked-up with filth due to the lack of waste collection clearance regulation. In Abia State, the issue of solidwaste management for environmental protection and sustainability in which Aba metropolis is not exempted. Though, effort has been to address the ugly situation by Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA), Non-Government Organizations, individuals and other mentioned organizations with a view of examine their contributions to enhance productivity and efficiency on waste collection in Aba metropolis.

1.2          Statement of Problem

The headache caused by wastes to many municipalities of Aba metropolis cannot be overemphasized. The problem of waste generation has increase tremendously but with the effort of its collection and disposed in Aba metropolis has not yield good results. The rapid growth of the urban population has leads to increasein environmental disasters in the area which party result from inability of the inhabitants or dweller to dispose of waste (biodegradable or non-biodegradable) and has become a source of concern. The populated solid wastes that are collected, are simply disposed in any open-dump space, which is hardly well planned or managed. The adverse effects is that, those solid waste dumped by the roadsides or lateral carelessly on the streets, accumulating into heaps of thrash, swimming with flies when decomposed also caused offensive odour which constitutes public nuisance like hazards, blocking of the road, no natural air in some places, open-dump is of major causes of land pollution shelters for disease carrying vectors for typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, intestinal worms and other diseases (Guararet al., 2014).

1.3.1 AIM

This research study will accessed the present system of waste collection in Aba metropolis with the focus of identifying the setbacks of waste collection and its possible amelioration.

1.3.2      Objectives

The specific objectives of this study is to evaluate routing system of waste collection for Aba metropolis. Abia State to determine the following.

  1. To examine the rapid impact of population growth due to uncontrolled urbanization as it affects the environmental degradation through waste collection.
  2. To design a suitable method of waste collection

iii.            To assess the effectiveness of environmental sanitation and means of transportations as well as disposed sites.

  1. To assess the possible impediment to the present method of waste collection
  2. To review present inventions and innovations on the significance of study commercial areas.

Significance of Study

Dramatic increase in population, commercial activities, industrialization and improvement in standard of living has a significance influence on the problem of waste generation. The challenge of waste generation from anthropogenic sources has become an essential concern especially in developing countries. Aba metropolis in Abia State, Nigeria is not an exceptional in this scenario. It implies that the municipal authorities would require huge capital investments and operational strategies for collection, transportation and disposal of bio-gradable and non-bio-gradable waste. Todays, the buildup of waste in Aba metropolis has caused rapid deterioration in levels of sanitation of Aba in Abia State has become choked up with filth due to inadequate implement of wastes collection method and regulation as a result, route waste collection method will be evaluated in the study area (Udoh&Inyang 2016).

1.5          Justification of the Study

Based on observations and social surveys, the routing system has the merit that the waste dumped in the receptacle-bins by the citizens are evacuated on a daily basis such that the receptacles are kept ready for newer waste materials subsequent day usually, the transportation and routing of the waste is carried out during regular or down time period when the amount of traffic is less and the trucks usually covered to prevent spilling of the waste along streets as the trucks navigates their way to the disposal site.

Since the metropolis is divided into zones, the collection of the waste is done orderly and default by any group could easily be checked (Inyanget al., 2016).

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