Effective Training As A Tool For Improving Building Services In Engineering Practice (A Case Study Of Aldeen Associates) – Complete project material



It has being observed over time that there are problems associated with the quality of designs and execution of jobs within the Building Services Sector of the Engineering Industry. The sector is an important aspect of Engineering Practice in Nigeria and its performance can only be measured by the quality of its output which include good engineering designs and proper execution of projects. Hence, the focus of this research work is to investigate on effective training as a tool for improving building services in engineering with particular inferences to mechanical and electrical engineering services in Aldeen Associates (A consulting engineering firm) as a case study. The methodology employed in carry out this research work was questionnaire and the data collected through the use of this instrument were analyzed using bar chart. It is of interest to this research work to know the type of relationship that exists between training and performance of technical staffs. Therefore, the training and capacity development shows that 16 respondents representing 40% of population agreed that they are been sent on regular training and capacity development program while the other 60% said they have not being on regular training program. This shows that more still needs to be done in-terms of regular training for the personnel which is very important in developing their skills and also as a motivating factor as a personnel will be de-motivated to work if his not given the opportunity to explore more opportunity in-terms of manpower training. The data on the impact of training on work performance shows that 25 respondents representing The research 82.5% agreed the various training programs they have undergone have excellently improve their work performance, while the remaining 12.5% disagreed on the fact that training has improve their work performance.
The research also reveals that motivational factors such as adequate payment of salary, good working conditions, conducive physical environments, annual incentives, etc. are needed to sustained and improve the practice of building services as training will equipped a personnel to discharge his duty as required but motivation will enhance the discharge of a ny responsibility assign to them. The Chi-square square analysis was also used to test for the proposed hypothesis which confirmed the alternative hypothesis of effective training as a tool for improving building services in engineering.
More so, based on least square method, there is a strong positive correlation between the technical staffs trained to the forecasted numbers of building services design and supervision work that are available for a particular year in view.




Page i Declaration ii Certification iii Dedication iv Acknowledgment v Abstract vi Table of Contents viii List of Table xi List of Figures xii List of Plates xiii CHAPTER ONE 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Statement of Research Problem 2 1.3 Present Research 3 1.4 Aim and Objectives 3 1.4.1 Research Questions 4 1.4.2 Research Hypothesis 4 1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Research 4 1.6 Significance of the Study 4 1.7 Company Description at a Glance 5 CHAPTER TWO 6 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1 Review of Related Literature 6
2.2 Concept and Definitions 8
Contents Pages
Organizational Need for Training
Training Need Identification and Analysis
Organizational Analysis
Operational Analysis
Individual Analysis
Training and Development Methods
Job Rotation and Transfer of personnel
Coaching and Mentoring of Personnel
Orientation of Personnel
Organizing Conferences and Seminar for Personnel
Role Playing
Training Evaluation for Personnel
Research Design
Methods of Data Collection
Primary Data
Secondary Data
The Population for the Study
Sampling and Sampling Procedures
Techniques for Data Collection
Data Analysis and Presentation
Data Analysis
Background of Technical Personnel and General Information
Welfare and Motivational Measures for Technical Personnel
Training and Capacity Development
Test of Hypothesis
Analysis of the Technical Staff Trained and job Executed.
Contents Pages CHAPTER FIVE 42 5.0 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 42 5.1 Summary of the Research 42 5.2 Conclusions 43 5.3 Recommendations 44 References 45
Questionnaire 47




1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study The role of engineering in industrial and economic development is not only limited to equipment and machines, production processes, but also concerned with the management of the available resources and the balancing of the various constraints of the industrial environment. Engineering must therefore not be seen in terms of screwdrivers and spanners but as encompassing all areas of knowledge needed in ensuring that resources which include manpower are effectively translated into desired end-results. Human resources are a crucial but expensive resource and therefore in order to sustain economic and effective performance of this resource, it is important to optimize their contribution to the achievement of the aims and objectives of the organization through training and development. Training is therefore necessary to ensure an adequate supply of man powers that are technically competent.
Training both physically, intellectually and mentally are very essential in facilitating not only the level of productivity but also the development of personnel in any organization. However, training is the knowledge acquired, while knowledge is the ability, the skill, the understanding, the information, which every individual requires in order to be able to function effectively and perform efficiently. The human resource of any organization is that which is expected to bring about the competitive difference, since the success or failure of an organization is dependent on the quality of this resource as well as its orientation. This is based on the notion that human resource is the competitive advantage of an organization. Hence, while equipment, infrastructure, methods of execution, packaging and distribution strategies could all be copied by other competitors, the innate quality, innovativeness, knowledge, abilities and skills of the human resource cannot easily be copied.
Training is an important part of the human resource development practice, and for personnel to carry out their duties effectively and efficiently they must have the relevant skills, knowledge, values, attitudes and competencies and as well understand their organization‟s culture. More often, newly employed do not have all the competencies usually required for successful or excellent performance on their jobs. Again while on the job, personnel need to be updated through training and development to acquire competencies they did not have at the time of appointment. In the recent years, Federal Government of Nigeria is concerned with the development of all workers to improve performance in their present job and to provide a solid basis for those who are growing up. Perhaps, this influenced her decision in establishing Industrial Training Fund (ITF) to cater for the training needs of personnel in public and private sectors. Since four decades of its formation, Industrial Training Fund (ITF) has been organizing and sponsoring training programs and also encouraging greater involvement of employers, particularly small employers, in the organization and development of training exercises that would lead to the production of highly-skilled manpower. The skills are intended to help practitioners who include engineers, technologists, technicians, artisans and craftsmen to accept specific responsibility at work. According to Heathfield (2012), the right employee training, development and education at the right time, provides big payoffs for the organization to increase productivity, knowledge, loyalty and contribution. 1.2 Statement of Research Problems
Human resources are very crucial but expensive resource and therefore in order to sustain an economic and effective performance of this resource, it is important to optimize their contribution to the achievement of the goals of any organization through training and development policy as well as a succession plan (Mullins, 2011). Moreover, It has being
observed that there are inadequacy in Building Services Designs such as Plumbing Designs, Air-conditioning and Ventilation Designs, Lift Designs and Fire-fighting Designs. 1.3 Present Research The present study focused on how to forecast the number of Services jobs that will be available for the company in a year through the training of it man-power using the regression analysis method to analysis the rate at which they are being sent on training in relative to the available design for a particular. Since it has been known that the quality of any manpower can only be determined through his/her output or contribution, it is necessary to know what impact the training programs has made on each personnel. Also a good motivational measure that will enhance the performance needed by services engineers to succeed in their role was also surveyed. Hence, it is a good policy to invest in the development of personnel skills so as to increase their performance 1.4 Aim and Objectives The aim of this project is to identify the effects of training and development on employee performance of Aldeen Associates. The specific objectives are: i. To investigate how training and development of personnel can be used to improve Building Services Engineering in Nigeria. ii. To find out whether there are organizational issues that constrain training of personnel. iii. To use chi-square statistical method to test the proposed hypothesis.
iv. To use regression analysis to examine the relationship between staff performance with respect to training.
1.4.1 Research questions At the end of the research, the following questions were answered: (1) What are the factors imitating the inadequacy in Building Services Engineering? (2) Why are the practitioners not equipped with the required skills and knowledge? (3) Does training and skill development affect the personnel performance? (4) What are the issues that work against training of personnel? 1.4.2 Research hypotheses H0: Regular training is not a tool for improving building services in engineering. H1: Regular training is a tool for improving building services in engineering. 1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Research The research work focus on effect of training as a tool for improving performance of personnel in Building Services Engineering with particular inference to Aldeen Associates – A Building Services Engineering Firm based in Abuja. The research is limited to the technical staffs of the firm which include the Draughts-men, Technical Officers and Engineers. 1.6 Significance of the Study (1). This research will help improve performance of personnel in the Building Services Engineering firms and establishment. (2). It would also help in the effective utilization of training as a means to increase performance. (3). This research will also help Aldeen Associates and any other Engineering firm on how to sustain and improve its training policies.
(4). The study would also serve as an appraisal of training programs.
1.7 Company Description at a Glance ALDEEN ASSOCIATES is a multi-disciplinary engineering consulting firm and project managers and solely indigenous with Nigerian Engineers and project managers forming bulk of the expertise, it was established to provide a professional practice embracing the full range of activities in engineering vis-à-vis:- Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, Civil and Building Engineering, Water resources, Engineering Economies and Project Management. The firm has at its disposal crop of young, dynamic and competent Engineers and Technologist with vast experience in various engineering disciplines. ALDEEN ASSOCIATES is an indigenous consulting firm with the basic motivation of providing the best indigenous expertise to our country, because it belief that a country can only be great when her indigenous engineers are in position to develop her resources. The high caliber staff of the firm has also been extensively involved in the design, supervision and management of construction of a number of electrical, mechanical and civil engineering and projects development all over the country and has acquired considerable experience in this field.


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