Critical appraisal of the role of National Broadcasting Commission in supervising broadcast stations – Complete project material

Critical appraisal of the role of National Broadcasting Commission in supervising broadcast stations


The National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) is responsible for the reshaping and regulating of broadcasting, in terms of ethics and professional standards. The performances of the radio and television stations in Nigeria was used to adjudge or evaluate the performance of the I NBC since inception.  In this research, the extent of how the NBC has been carrying out their monitoring role of the broadcast industry was x-rayed. The study – was a survey of three major areas of mass communication in the print media, the advertising agencies and the broadcast media. These, being in the same field or profession could appraise the NBC judging from the content and conduct of the stations. The questionnaire copies were administered to 220 respondents through the purposive sampling method. Five research questions were asked and sub-divided into simpler questions or items on the questionnaire in order to elicit the data for the study. The data generated were later tabulated according to the research questions and were made to address the objectives of the study. In the findings of this study, it was discovered that the breaches or offences committed against the broadcast Code by the stations was as a result of the NBC not taking stringent disciplinary actions against offenders. Nevertheless, ‘NBC is expected to review and restructure their regulatory role.


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