Compilation Of Bibiliography On Poultry In Nigeria 2010 – 2015 – Complete project material


Ninety six-day-old broiler chicks were used in a 4-weeks feding trail to determine the protein quality of processed melon seed as a component of briiler chick diet. The protein quality was assessed using blood associated parameters including Haemogiobin indices and selected serum enzymes. The processed melon seed meals were raw melon seed meal (RMM), fermented melon seed meal (FMM) and fermented cooked melon seed meal (FCMM). The three test ingredient (RMM, FMM and FCMM) were included as the sole source of protein in a basal broiler chick started diet. The soya been seed meal (SBM) bassed commercial broiler chick started diet served as the control. Blood associated parameters like Haemoglobin (Hb), PVC, RBC, WBC, Total protein, creatinine uric acid, GPT, GOT and ALP were used to assess the protein quality of the diets fed. There were four (4)  experimental groups, each made up of eight birds in three replicsates, allocated to the  experimental diet SBM (control), RMM, FMM and FCMM respectively of all the groups of broler chicks, those placed on the FCMM diet gave blood associated parameters that were similar in valve to those of the broiler chicks placed on the control (SBM) diet: while valved obtained for broiler chicks placed on the other diets RMM and FMM were quite low. The results indicated that the processing  of melon seeds by cooking and fermentation made the protein in melon seed more available to he broiler chicks, and also removed some or all of the anti nutritional factors in raw melon seed. It is therefore concluded that he simultaneous processing of melon seed using cooking and fermentation techniques before it’s inclusion in broiler chick starter diets, enhances the protein quality and status of melon seed as a component of broiler starter diet.


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