Code Mixing And Code Switching In Nigerian Movies – Complete project material


1.0       Introduction

Code mixing /code switching is a sociolinguistic phenomenon which occurs as an outcome of linguistic contacts especially among bilinguals and multilingual. Code switching is a communicative strategy utilized by bilingual speakers to achieve certain communicative intent.

Code switching refers to the movement by a speaker to and forth from one linguistic code to another. According to Hoffmann (1991: 110), the term “code switching” refers to the “the alternate use of two or more languages within the same utterance or during the same conversation”.

Code switching is an alternation between two or more languages in a speaker’s speech. It involves the fusing of two or more varieties of language in a single conversational utterance. The word code is a neutral sociolinguistic referral of a linguistic variety which may either be a language or varieties of a language/dialects, style or register. Various scholars have come up with different definitions of the term Code switching and code mixing. Ayeomoni, (2006) notes that code-switching as “a common term for alternative use of two or more language, varieties of a language or even speech styles”, while Maschler (2008:125) sees code mixing or a mixed code as “using two languages such that a third, new code emerges, in which elements from the two languages are incorporated into a structurally definable pattern” .

Code-mixing and code-switching are widespread phenomena in bilingual communities where speakers use their native tongue (L1) and their second language (L2) in different domains. However, it is not always the case where each distinct language is exclusively used in one particular domain. In order to help bilingual kids not to be confused with two languages and not to be alienated in monolingual society, it is very critical to make both bilinguals and monolinguals familiar with codes witching and code-mixing (Hua, 2008). It would be much better for other people to know about certain bilingual phenomena and try to accept the bilingual phenomena naturally, so that they could see how much social and cultural aspects affect bilinguals’ language and learn how bilinguals and their monolingual interlocutors should lead to smooth conversation (Kim, 2006).

However, Jenifa’s Diary is a Nigerian television comedy series, created by Funke Akindele. The series is part of the Jenifa franchise, based on a naive and funny character of the same name. Jenifa’s Dairy has over 11 (possibly going to 13) seasons and is currently active and ongoing (Ikeke, Nkem, 2017). This series tells a story of a native village girl who desperately wants to get out of her ratchet way of life. In her desperation she leaves her village and goes to the city of Lagos in order to process her visa to travel to the United States. Although unsuccessful with her visa application she decides to stay in Lagos and live a better life. She then finds herself in University of Lagos, with the help of a lady she met, Toyo baby (Olayode Juliana) and Kiki (Lota Chukwu) who help and accommodate her (Izuzu Chidumga, 2017).

This study deals with “Code switching and Code-mixing” in selected Jenifa’s diary episodes. This study tries to discuss more about “how Code switching and Code Mixing occurs in selected Jenifa’s diary episodes? This study will examine the differences between code switching and code mixing, the instances of code switching and code mixing in the text, then the underlying reasons for such code chances.


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