The study assessed the Yankari Games Reserve as a tourist destination by investigating the perception of the tourists who patronize it. The assessment used indicators including the level of patronage in number of tourists attracted annually, wildlife resources of the reserve, infrastructure, facilities and safety. The method employed reconnaissance survey of the reserve for observations and the administering of questionnaires to a sample of the tourists. The sample of 50 respondents, representing 10% of the average daily number of tourists received during the period of the survey was used. The study showed that in the last decade tourist inflow has continued to rise. The assessment of the perception of the tourists shows that most travel to Yankari for viewing game, which is the most important attraction. The survey also showed that tourists are satisfied with the park with 42% indicating preference of Yankari over other parks in Nigeria. The study also showed that Yankari could be better if the master plan for its development is fully implemented. The reserve however has a good prospect in view of richness of its resources. Proposals were made on appropriate policies and institutional framework to develop the park to a higher standard comparable to similar ones in other parts of the world which have been reviewed in the study.


Title Page






Table of Content

List of Tables

List of Pictures

List of Charts

List of Maps

Chapter One

1.0   Introduction

1.2   Statement of The Research Problem

1.4   The Aim and Objectives

1.4.1 Aim

1.4.2 Objectives

1.5   Scope

Chapter Two :

Literature Review

2.1   Introduction

2.2   Safari Destinations in Nigeria

2.3   Safari Destinations in Africa.

2.4   National Park Management in Nigeria

2.5   Problems Facing National Parks

2.5.1 Poaching

2.5.2 Deforestation/Habitat Destruction

2.6   Responses to Problem of National Parks

2.7   Models and Approaches to Management of Protected Areas

2.8   Community- Based Conservation Scheme In National Parks

Chapter Three:

Methodology of the Study

3.1   Introduction

3.1.1 Data Collection Methods

3.1.2 Source of Secondary Information on Yankari Game Reserve

3.1.3 Parameters for the Assessment

3.1.4 Sampling Methods (Tourists Respondents

3.1.5 Data Analysis

Chapter Four:

The Current Situation of Yankari Game Reserve

4.1   Introduction

4.1.1  The Location of Study Area

4.1.2  Fauna

4.1.3  The Wikki Warm Spring

4.1.4  Dukkey Wells

4.1.5  Marshal Caves

4.1.6  The Camp

4.1.7  Tunga Dutse

4.1.8  Geology

Chapter Five:

Assessment of Yankari Game Reserve as Tourist Destination

5.1   Introduction

5.2   Socio Demographic Attributes of the Tourists

5.3   Trends in Tourist Patronage of Yankari Game Reserve

5.4   Wild Life Resources in Yankari Game Reserve

5.5   Level of Infrastructure in Yankari Game Reserve

5.6   Accessibility in the Game Reserve

5.7   Recreational Facilities in Yankari Games Reserve

5.8   Safety of the Game Reserve

5.9   Result of the Key Informants Interview

5.10  Implication of the Findings

Chapter Six:

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

6.1   Summary of Findings

6.2   Recommendations

6.2.1 Infrastructure and Development

6.2.2 Provision of Adequate Funds

6.2.3 Institutional Framework

6.2.4 Wildlife Resources

6.2.5 Public Private Partnership

6.2.6 Staff Welfare and Training

6.3   Conclusion




Table 2.1  National Parks in Nigeria showing their location, areas covered and Year gazetted.

Table 2:2  Safari Destinations in Africa showing location, Area and Year Established

Table 5.1  Sex of Respondents

Table 5.2  Age of Respondents

Table 5.3  Marital Status

Table 5.4  Educational Status

Table 5.5  Nationality

Table 5.6  Distribution of Nigerian Tourist to Yankari Game Reserve by State

Table 5.7  Surveyed Non Nigerian Tourist Visit to Yankari Game Reserve

Table 5.8  Tourist Inflow to Parks in Nigeria (Nigerians and Non Nigeria Tourists) (2001-2011)

Table 5.9  Annual Tourist Inflow to Yankari Game Reserve (2001 – 2011)

Table 5.10 Tourist Rating of Attractiveness of Yankari Game Reserve

Table 5.11 Main attractive Features of Yankari Game Reserve

Table 5.12 How long Tourists have known Yankari Game Reserve

Table 5.13 How long Tourists have been in Yankari Game Reserve during the present visit

Table 5.14 How often tourists have been visiting the Yankari Game Reserve

Table 5.15 Patronage of other National Parks

Table 5.16 Opinion on Comparison of Yankari Game Reserve, with other National Parks

Table 5.17 Opinion on whether the Yankari Game Reserve is suitably positioned to meet International Standard

Table 5.18 Opinion on the Assessment of the Behaviour of Staff in Terms of the way and Manner they Treat Tourists

Table 5.19 View on whether there is a remarkable Improvement of facilities in Yankari Game Reserve compared to previous visit

Table 5.20  View on whether there are factors that impact negatively on the Attractiveness of the Yankari Game Reserve as a tourist destination

Table 5.21  Views on the feature that impact negatively on the Yankari Game Reserve

Table 5.22  View on whether the Wildlife rich enough to encourage tourists to the reserve

Table 5.23  Different categories of accommodation in the Yankari Game Reserve

Table 5:24  Rating of Infrastructural Facilities by Tourists

Table 5.25  Accessibility to the game reserve

Table 5.26  Accessibility within the game reserve

Table 5.27  Opinion Level and quality of facilities in the camp

Table 5.28  Opinion on Safety of Tourists in the Yankari Game Reserve


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